Page 7 - GLNG Week 33 2022
P. 7

GLNG                                             AFRICA                                               GLNG

      Golar LNG says conversion of Gimi

      LNG tanker is 86% complete

       TANKERES          BERMUDA-REGISTERED Golar LNG has said  payment, it added.
                         the process of converting the Gimi LNG tanker   The commissioning and delivery of the con-
                         into a floating LNG (FLNG) plant for installation  verted tanker to BP (UK), the operator of the
                         at the Greater Tortue/Ahmeyim (GTA) block  GTA project, will help unlock about $3bn in
                         offshore Senegal and Mauritania is at least 86%  earnings backlog for Golar LNG, or $151mn
                         complete.                            in adjusted annual EBITDA (earnings before
                            In a report on its performance in the second  interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation),
                         quarter of 2022, Golar LNG stated that work on  the second-quarter statement said.
                         the conversion project was moving forward at   The FLNG will support the production of
                         the Keppel shipyard in Singapore. The vessel was  2.5mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG from Phase
                         86% technically complete as of the end of June, it  1 development operations at GTA. It will be
                         said, and will be ready to start production in the  installed at the offshore gas hub now under con-
                         fourth quarter of 2023 as scheduled.  struction at the block and connected to a floating
                            The statement went on to say that Golar LNG  production, storage and off-loading (FPSO) ves-
                         had struck a deal with Keppel Capital, which  sel via pipeline.
                         has a minority stake in the Gimi LNG tanker, to   The GTA block straddles the maritime bor-
                         pay the Keppel shipyard a $50mn incentive in  der between Senegal and Mauritania. It con-
                         exchange for ensuring that the conversion pro-  tains around 15 trillion cubic feet (425bn cubic
                         ject was finished in time for the FLNG to set sail  metres) of gas, enough to support an export-ori-
                         in the first half of 2023. It noted that Golar LNG  ented LNG project as well as pipeline deliveries
                         would cover $35mn of the total, in line with its  to Senegal’s domestic market. Kosmos Energy
                         70% stake in the vessel, with Keppel Capital cov-  (US) discovered gas at the block in 2015 and
                         ering the remaining $15mn, in line with its 30%  then teamed up with BP for the project in 2016.
                         stake.                               The two companies made an FID on Phase 1 in
                            Golar LNG will use cash on hand to make this  late 2018.™

       Week 33  19•August•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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