Page 5 - GLNG Week 33 2022
P. 5

GLNG                                         COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       Europe pays spiralling LNG

       prices to fill storages

        COMMMENTARY      EUROPE’S efforts to fill its gas reserves ahead  is now falling down the energy agenda, as gov-
                         of the coming winter could come with a hefty  ernments buy gas at whatever price to meet
                         price tag, as global LNG price have reached up  demand in the coming months.
                         to 10 times their normal levels as the continent   The is all bad news for the EU’s Green Deal,
                         scrambles for available cargoes.     and more gas consumption in the power gen-
                           The UK, which has little gas storage capacity,  eration, especially with some coal now being
                         has bought its first cargo from Australia for the  burned in Germany, means that the continent’s
                         first time in six years as Europe’s importers scour  emissions could rise.
                         the globe for available volumes and are willing to   This spells danger for Brussels’ efforts to cut
                         pay record-high prices.              emissions by 55% by 2030, and could make
                           Meanwhile, EU member states have filled  meeting 2050 net-zero targets more difficult if
                         their gas storage facilities to close to 75% capac-  and when the current gas crisis passes.
                         ity, equivalent to 75bn cubic metres. This is just   Germany is also considering postponing the
                         5% short of the EU’s policy of having its storage  closure of its remaining three nuclear reactors as
                         sites 80% full by November 1 as part of Brussels’  the energy crisis digs in.
                         led efforts to create a united front to combat cuts   Among the options available for sourcing
                         in Russian gas imports.              LNG are Asia and Qatar, but both come at a cost
                           European gas buyers have now almost filled  and high risk.
                         the storage facilities well ahead of Brussels’   European countries are now scrambling for
                         November 1 deadline, but at considerably high  new supply. Germany has signed a memoran-
                         prices.                              dum of understanding (MoU) with importers
                           On August 18, futures at the Dutch TTF gas  Uniper, RWE, EnBW and VNG to ensure that
                         hub reached €230.05 per MWh ($2,844 per 1,000  the country’s two new FSRUs at Brunsbuettel
                         cubic metres), up from €220 per MWh ($2,720  and Wilhelmshaven are fully supplied from
                         per 1,000 cubic metres) on August 16. This was  their expected operational start this winter until
                         up from €202 per MWh ($2,200 per 1,000 cubic  March 2024, Reuters reported.
                         metres) on July 26.                    The two FSRUs will allow Germany to receive
                           All this means prices have doubled even from  12.5 bcm of LNG per year, equivalent to about
                         June’s highs and are over 10 times normal levels.  13% of the country’s gas consumption in 2021,
                           Gazprom meanwhile said that prices could  according to Enerdata.
                         spike a further 60% from current levels in the   Part of an LNG cargo from Australia’s North
                         coming winter, imposing more pain on Euro-  West Shelf project was transhipped in Malaysia
                         pean consumers. It said they could exceed  before travelling to the UK, Bloomberg reported.
                         $4,000 per 1,000 cubic metres this winter. This   Mathew Ang, an analyst at Kpler, told
                         means that any gas that does come from Russia  Bloomberg that the Attalos LNG tanker received
                         to Europe could be even more expensive than  the partial LNG cargo from the Patris tanker
                         LNG.                                 in Malaysia in July. Before that, the Patris had
                           Russian gas supply remains significantly con-  loaded at Australia’s North West Shelf, where
                         strined, having slumped to an all-time monthly  BP has capacity. The rest of the cargo went on to
                         low of 3.6 bcm in July, down 23% from the previ-  South Korea.
                         ous low registered in June.            The vessel will arrive at the Isle of Grain ter-
                           The result is that European buyers are pay-  minal in the UK on August 22, according to
                         ingthrough the nose for LNG on global spot  ship-tracking data.
                         markets and must compete with Asian buyers.   Alongside Australia, Qatar is another major
                         Closer LNG exporters in the US and Africa are  source of LNG that Europe could turn to in its
                         already operating at full capacity, making global  effort to replace Russian gas.
                         targets tight and driving up prices for spot LNG   Russia sold 150 bcm to the EU in the form of
                         cargoes to crazy prices.             pipeline gas and LNG in 2021, current projec-
                           Prices are no longer “normal,” and European  tions see this figure falling to around 80 bcm in
                         buyers must still compete with Asia to secure  2022, with the 35 bcm sold to other European
                         cargoes.                             countries also likely to decline sharply, said
                           Asian spot LNG prices reached just below $60  James Henderson of the Oxford Institute for
                         permillion Btu on August 17 Wednesday, their  Energy Studies (OIES).
                         highest level since early March.       However, Qatar’s gas sector is already oper-
                           All this means that pursuing a green transi-  ating close to capacity, Capital Economics said
                         tion or a green post-COVID economic recovery  in a note.

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