Page 12 - NorthAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       UGI to acquire Stonehenge           SERVICES                             of E&P operators in major US basins.”
                                                                                MILESTONE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES,
       Appalachia midstream                 Milestone acquires active           January 04, 2022

       natural gas gathering               Haynesville facility and             ENERGY TRANSITION
       system                              multiple permits

       UGI announced today that its subsidiary,   Milestone Environmental Services, one of   UGI adds renewable natural
       UGI Energy Services, has entered into a   the largest independent providers of energy   gas to its supply portfolio
       definitive agreement to acquire Stonehenge   waste sequestration services in the US, today
       Appalachia from Stonehenge Energy Holdings  announced that it has acquired an energy   UGI Utilities has begun to accept renewable
       for approximately $190mn. This investment   waste disposal facility in Center, Texas,   natural gas (RNG) from Archaea Energy into
       is expected to be immediately accretive to   effective December 31, 2021, along with two   its pipeline distribution system. UGI Utilities
       adjusted earnings.                  additional permits for energy waste landfills   is a subsidiary of UGI Corporation.
         The Stonehenge system, located in Butler   in Texas.                     In fiscal 2021, UGI Utilities signed an
       County Pennsylvania, includes more than 47   The acquisition includes the purchase of   interconnect agreement with Archaea Energy
       miles of pipeline and associated compression   an active slurry injection facility with two   to accept delivery of RNG produced from the
       assets, and has gathering capacity of 130mn   injection wells, located in Shelby County,   Keystone Landfill in Dunmore, Pennsylvania,
       cubic feet per day.                 three miles north of Center, Texas, on   into its natural gas pipeline that serves its
         “We are very pleased with this investment   Hwy 96. The facility is a cornerstone of the   distribution system. Once fully operational, the
       and the opportunity to grow our presence   environmental infrastructure in place to   recently completed interconnect is capable of
       in the Appalachian Basin”, said Robert F.   manage energy waste generated by E&P   accommodating up to 5.3bn cubic feet of RNG
       Beard, Executive Vice President – Natural   operators drilling for natural gas in the   supply each year, making this the largest current
       Gas, Global Engineering, Construction and   Haynesville Shale in Texas and Louisiana.   RNG supply point in the United States to date.
       Procurement. “When we acquired the assets   Milestone plans to continue normal business   The introduction of RNG supply into UGI
       of Columbia Midstream Group in 2019, we   operations for customers and employees of   Utilities’ distribution system provides benefits to
       committed to additional investments to build   the facility, and also plans several upgrades to   the environment and to the many communities
       or buy quality systems in the region. The   the location over time.      we serve by lowering net carbon emissions.
       acquisition of Stonehenge, in addition to our   The acquisition of the Center facility   UGI Utilities expects to utilise a portion
       recent purchase of an ownership stake in the   repositions Milestone in the core of the   of the RNG to serve customers who purchase
       Pine Run gathering system, demonstrates our   Haynesville and makes Milestone a leading   supply directly from UGI Utilities beginning
       commitment to the Appalachian basin, which   operator of environmental infrastructure in   in 2022. This purchase was made possible
       averaged a record 31.9bn cubic feet per day of   the basin. Milestone had been an operator   by regulatory approval of a five-year pilot
       production in the first half of 2021, the highest  in East Texas for several years at its former   program by the Pennsylvania Public Utility
       for a six-month period since production   location near Jasper, Texas.   Commission (PUC). The pilot, the first of its
       began in 2008.”                        In addition, the transaction included   kind in Pennsylvania, allows UGI Utilities
         “Importantly, this transaction has stable   purchase options on two yet-unconstructed   to integrate RNG into its supply purchase
       cash flows that are underpinned by a long-  energy waste landfill permits in Texas – one in   portfolio to provide benefits for its customers.
       term contract with minimum volume   the Haynesville shale and one in the Permian   All three PUC commissioners supported
       commitments and significant acreage   Basin. These permits add significantly   and commended UGI Utilities’ RNG
       dedications in some of the most prolific   to Milestone’s portfolio of permitted   pilot programme, including PUC Chair,
       production areas in the Appalachian Basin.  locations, providing opportunities for the   Gladys Brown Dutrieulle, with specific
         Roger Perreault, president and CEO   company to further develop its energy waste   acknowledgement by Commissioners Ralph
       added: “This investment is consistent with our   infrastructure.         V. Yanora and John F. Coleman, Jr. who
       strategy of delivering reliable earnings growth   “Milestone’s mission is to Clean Up   commended UGI Utilities for the initiative as
       while continuing to rebalance our business   Energy?. We believe we have an obligation   it “represents an innovative economic model
       activities with increasing investments in   to help our customers make good on their   that balances environmental, customer, and
       natural gas and renewables. We are pleased to   commitments to lower their emissions   gas supply requirements consistent with
       enhance our natural gas gathering capabilities   and produce vital energy for the world in   the Commonwealth’s least-cost gas supply
       through this investment in well positioned   a more sustainable way,” said Gabriel Rio,   requirements”.
       assets in the Appalachian Basin.”   Milestone president and CEO. “As E&P   “The approval of this pilot program is
         The transaction is subject to customary   operators increasingly choose professional   a significant step forward as we continue
       regulatory and other closing conditions,   management of their energy waste streams,   to develop sustainable, environmentally
       including Federal antitrust clearance pursuant   more infrastructure will be needed to handle   responsible energy solutions for our
       to the US Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust   the demand. We believe the Haynesville will   customers,” said Robert F. Beard, Executive
       Improvements Act. Assuming fulfilment of all   be a growing market given the increased   Vice President - Natural Gas, Global
       conditions, the transaction is expected to close  global demand for natural gas as the world   Engineering, Construction and Procurement,
       by January 31, 2022.                transitions its energy usage to lower-carbon   UGI. “UGI remains committed to developing
       UGI, January 04, 2022               sources. Our decision to acquire these assets   renewable energy sources for the communities
                                           was a strategic one that supports Milestone’s   we serve.”
                                           growth while serving the environmental needs   UGI, January 04, 2021

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