Page 8 - NorthAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       South Korean imports

       of US crude likely to

       increase in 2022

        US-SOUTH         HAVING imported in excess of 120mn barrels
        KOREA            of US crude in 2021, analysts are expecting more
                         of the same from South Korea throughout 2022.
                           Already the biggest importer of US crude on
                         the Asian continent, Seoul’s forecast preference
                         for American oil is being attributed to a com-
                         bination of OPEC supply issues, and cheaper
                         prices for better quality sweet crudes when com-
                         pared to Middle East produced crude.
                           US producers already rank number two on
                         South Korea’s leading suppliers’ list for the Jan-
                         uary to November 2021 period, with 113mn
                         barrels imported, 11.6mn barrels of these in
                         November alone, which marked an increase
                         of almost 77% on figures posted in November,
                         2020 and 16.8% up on October imports, accord-
                         ing to the government-owned Korea National
                         Oil Corporation (KNOC).
                           Added to four confirmed arrivals of very large
                         crude carriers (VLCCs) on the Korean penin-
                         sula in December, the total figure for the year
                         is expected to be approaching 121mn barrels
                         imported over the 12-month period, with a
                         minimum figure of 120mn.
                           Total imports for US crude up to the end of
                         2020, when South Korea was one of the coun-
                         tries worst affected by coronavirus (COVID-  Iraq, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar mean-
                         19), stood at 104.4mn barrels.       while all posted figures for the year in the 50mn
                           US producers offering highly flexible large-  barrel range, as did Russia and Mexico.
                         scale spot purchases is a significant factor South   Speaking to financial analytics firm S&P
                         Korean refineries are keen to take advantage  Global earlier in the week, one South Korean
         US producers    of, according to the country’s Petroleum Asso-  crude strategist said: “The major Middle East-
                         ciation in a statement made over the holiday  ern producers couldn’t give us a straight answer
         already rank    period. The majority of US crude purchases  when asked about minimum and maximum
        number two on    since 2016 have come in the form of spot buys.  term supply volumes they could offer, because
                           In comparison, well over 60% of South Korea’s  the OPEC members are also struggling to assess
         South Korea’s   total Middle East purchases of crude in the same  the global demand recovery outlook and their
                         period have come about as part of fixed-term  own production hike strategy for 2022,” adding
       leading suppliers’   deals.                            that as a result, “end users are (therefore) gener-
                           Throughout 2021, however, in response to  ally cautious not to over-commit to fixed-term
          list for the   ongoing OPEC uncertainty over production  deals because another wave of major setbacks in

          January to     levels, orders placed by Seoul with leading pro-  global demand would lead to a massive stock-
                                                              pile of unwanted crude oil.”
                         ducers in the Middle East started to drop off.
                           Saudi Arabia, the leading Middle Eastern
                                                               OPEC is currently standing behind a limited
        November 2021    nation exporting to South Korea, shipped  increase in output quotas of 400,000 barrels per
            period.      256mn barrels in the January to November 2021  day (bpd) each calendar month, although this
                         period, a figure down over 13% on the same  is seen as too little by many Asian refiners, with
                         period in 2020.                      some asking for an increase in output of twice
                           No other nation from the Middle East cleared  as much; a point alluded to by the same strat-
                         the 120mn barrel mark set by US crude imports,  egist saying: “Meanwhile, if OPEC decides to
                         with the 18.1% year-on-year drop in numbers  continue keeping a tight supply strategy, South
                         posted for Kuwaiti imports to Korea totalling  Korean refiners could take extra VLCCs from
                         113mn barrels, according to the KNOC.  the US thanks to their extensive supply and
                           Fellow Middle Eastern South Korea exporters  trading network.”™

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