Page 4 - NorthAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Shale drillers wary

       of rising oil prices

       Some of the US’ leading shale producers have

       expressed concern over the possibility of crude

       prices rising above $100 per barrel

        US               SOME of the US’ leading independent shale  happen if oil prices do reach $100 per barrel any
                         drillers have raised concerns over the possibility  time soon – a level that looks increasingly possi-
       WHAT:             of crude prices rising above $100 per barrel, and  ble again. The worry is that not all shale drillers
       Certain leading shale   the impact this could have on their industry.  will remain disciplined and that some will ramp
       drillers are concerned   This comes as West Texas Intermediate prices  up drilling as prices rise, helping to create a new
       that oil prices rising   crept up towards $80 per barrel in the first week  supply glut.
       above $100 per barrel   of January – up from around $50 per barrel a   Crude demand is being forecast to outpace
       could have negative   year ago. And while $100 per barrel prices still  production, possibly this year or next, as the lack
       implications.     appear to be some way off, the possibility of  of recent exploration and reserve replacement
                         these levels being reached is increasingly being  begins to catch up with the global oil industry.
       WHY:              discussed.                           Prices already briefly reached $85 per barrel in
       Stronger prices     Shale dynamics have shifted considerably  October 2021, and could rise to that level, or
       could encourage less   since the mid-2010s, when a larger pool of  higher.
       disciplined producers   unconventional drillers contributed to an oil   Pioneer Natural Resources’ CEO, Scott Shef-
       to drill more, thus   glut that led to crude prices collapsing. A sub-  field, said that he expected the oil price to be in
       contributing to a new glut   sequent recovery was also undermined when  the $75-100 per barrel range.
       of crude.         shale production rose steadily in tandem with   “I hope it stays there,” Sheffield said during a
                         prices. Following the onset of the coronavi-  Goldman Sachs Group energy conference web-
       WHAT NEXT:        rus (COVID-19) pandemic, though, many of  cast on January 5, adding that prices approach-
       WTI prices remain below   the producers that survived both downturns  ing $110 or $120 per barrel are “not going to
       $80 per barrel but some   in recent years appear to be proceeding more  help” the shale industry.
       analysts have warned   cautiously as their shareholders continue to   Diamondback Energy’s CEO, Travis Stice,
       they could rise.  demand financial discipline.         agreed that crude prices above $100 per barrel
                                                              would be detrimental to the industry, as they
                         Price concerns                       could be seen as a signal to ramp up output
                         Nonetheless, some major shale producers  again. He added, though, that shareholders still
                         have discussed their concerns over what could  did not want shale drillers to raise production.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 01   06•January•2022
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