Page 7 - NorthAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Deep freeze disrupts Canadian

       operations, raises prices

        WESTERN          A deep freeze in Canada is disrupting oil and gas  caused heating demand to rise, which helped to
        CANADA           operations and leading to increased commodity  push up gas prices.
                         prices. The conditions were expected to persist at   Spot natural gas prices at the AECO hub
                         least until January 7.               in Alberta rose above CAD5 per gigajoule
                           Alberta, Canada’s main oil-producing prov-  ($103.79 per 1,000 cubic metres), their highest
                         ince, was under an “extreme cold” warning this  since October 2021, trading at a premium ver-
                         week, with temperatures forecast to drop below  sus US benchmark Henry Hub. This was notable
                         -40 Celsius in places. While Western Canada is  because AECO gas usually trades at a discount
                         habitually cold at this time of year, temperatures  to US gas.              TC Energy’s
                         have been even lower than usual.       “This is depleting storage much quicker than
                           This has led to disruptions to oil and gas  we have really seen before,” a Raymond James   Keystone
                         operations. TC Energy’s Keystone pipeline,  analyst, Jeremy McCrea, was quoted by Reu-
                         which carries crude from the oil sands in  ters as saying. “That [premium] says we are try-  pipeline, which
                         Alberta to the US Midwest, briefly shut down  ing to keep as much gas in Western Canada as
                         on January 4, with operations resuming the  possible.”                      carries crude
                         next day. The pipeline has the capacity to carry   McCrea added that Western Canadian stor-  from the oil
                         590,000 barrels per day (bpd). The company  age inventories were approaching their lowest
                         said its staff had been challenged by extremely  levels in five years.    sands in Alberta
                         cold temperatures affecting oil flows through its   The cold snap had persisted for more than
                         Hardisty terminal.                   two weeks but was anticipated to ease over the   to the US
                           Elsewhere in Canada, malfunctioning equip-  weekend of January 8-9. It also affected oil and
                         ment also affected oil and gas production. Out-  gas operations in the Northern US, notably in   Midwest, briefly
                         put slowed in regions including the oil sands,  North Dakota’s Bakken play. This sent local oil   shut down on
                         which account for the majority of Canada’s crude  prices to their highest level since November and
                         production.                          came at a time when US crude stockpiles have   January 4.
                           “Because of exposure you can’t send oper-  also been dwindling, and approaching the three-
                         ators out in the field, vehicles don’t work well,  year low they hit in September.
                         everything is just a drag. You don’t get great   These trends are seen as supporting predic-
                         production,” one industry source was quoted by  tions that the oil market will return to a deficit
                         Reuters as saying.                   this year as demand grows while producers
                           At the same time, the low temperatures  struggle to maintain necessary supply levels.™

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