Page 11 - NorthAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            with US$2,000,000 to be borrowed pursuant   oil and gas royalties due to its volatile nature,
                                           to a committed increase to the Company’s   increasing regulations, and possible future
       Southwestern Energy                 credit facility borrowing base if certain other   unfavourable capital gains tax legislation,”
                                           conditions are satisfied, as set out in more
                                                                                noted Jace Graham, RPR CEO and Founder.
       completes acquisition of            detail in the Company’s rights offering circular  “It made sense for their estate planning to
                                                                                sell and reinvest the proceeds into a more
                                           dated November 23, 2021.
       GEP Haynesville                     common shares under basic subscription   financially stable asset.”
                                             The company issued a total of 32,017,670
                                                                                  For over 25 years RRC has operated in
       Southwestern Energy (SWN) today     privileges and a total of 87,647,375 common   Pennsylvania covering nearly amn net mineral
       announced that it has closed the acquisition   shares under additional subscription   acres, the majority of which comprises stacked
       of GEP Haynesville. The transaction builds   privileges in the Offering. In addition,   pay potential for the Upper Devonian, Utica,
       further scale in the Haynesville, deepens the   3,571,428 common shares will be issued to   and Marcellus shale formations. In addition,
       company’s inventory, improves key financial   Polygon Global Partners pursuant to the   with its decade-long commitment to a
       metrics, including margins, returns and per-  company’s stand-by commitment agreement   large-scale water recycling programme, RRC
       share ratios, fortifies SWN’s financial strength   with Polygon, which will be in addition to the   became the industry’s first company to reuse
       and enhances the company’s leading presence   common shares acquired by Polygon under   nearly 100% of its Pennsylvania produced
       in the two premier natural gas basins in the   its basic subscription privilege and additional   water.
       US.                                 subscription privilege.                At RPR, the mineral sale evaluation
         In December, the company completed   The total number of issued and    process includes an in-depth reservoir
       an offering of $1.15bn of 4.75% senior notes   outstanding common shares of the company   analysis completed by a reputable third party
       due 2032 and a $550mn institutional term   upon completion of the offering will be   geological engineering firm with expertise in
       loan to fund the cash consideration for the   356,159,098.               all US basins.
       acquisition and tender for $300mn of its   The company will disclose additional   “We share this data so mineral owners
       2025 senior notes. The company expects to   information regarding the number of   can make an educated decision on what their
       issue 2022 guidance inclusive of the acquired   common shares acquired in the offering   assets are worth,” said Graham. “It’s our goal
       properties in conjunction with its fourth   by new and existing insiders once that   to demystify the process and guide owners
       quarter earnings release.           information is available.            step-by-step through our evaluation and
       SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY, December 31, 2021  KOLIBRI GLOBAL ENERGY, January 04, 2021  acquisition process.”
                                                                                  Common situations why RPR clients
       Kolibri Global Energy               Rising Phoenix Royalties             choose to divest some or all of their royalty
                                                                                assets include estate planning, optimising
       announces the successful  acquires another Range                         tax benefits, funding retirement, immediate
                                                                                financial need, estate liquidation, and
       completion of the rights            Resources Marcellus Basin            investment portfolio diversification.
                                                                                RISING PHOENIX ROYALTIES, January 06, 2022
       offering raising CAD8.6mn mineral acquisition
       Kolibri Global Energy is pleased to announce   Rising Phoenix Royalties (RPR) reveals   MIDSTREAM
       the successful completion of its rights offering.   another natural gas royalty acquisition
       The offering, which expired on December 29,   spanning 98 net royalty acres in the Marcellus   Enbridge completes sale
       2021, raised gross proceeds of approximately   Shale, Washington County, PA. Range
       CAD8.6mn.                           Resources Corporation, (RRC), a leading US   of its financial interest in
         The company intends to drill and complete   independent natural gas and NGL producer, is
       two wells in its Tishomingo Field, Oklahoma,   the well-site operator.   Noverco
       using proceeds from the Offering together   “Our clients chose to divest out of their
                                                                                Enbridge today announced the closing of
                                                                                the agreement through which a subsidiary of
                                                                                Enbridge has sold its 38.9% non-operating
                                                                                minority ownership interest in Noverco to
                                                                                Trencap for CAD1.14bn in cash, previously
                                                                                announced on June 7, 2021.
                                                                                  The sale of our financial interest in
                                                                                Noverco will further strengthen our financial
                                                                                flexibility. Proceeds from the sale will be
                                                                                initially used to repay short term borrowings
                                                                                and support Enbridge’s secured capital
                                                                                  Trencap is a consortium led by Caisse de
                                                                                dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ).
                                                                                ENBRIDGE, December 30, 2021

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