Page 6 - NorthAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Shale assets change hands

        US               A number of transactions involving shale oil and  Pioneer’s exit from the Delaware.
                         gas assets have been announced or completed   Asset sales continued into early January, with
                         over the past few weeks.             Lime Rock Resources announcing two separate
                           The moves come amid stronger commodity  acquisitions on January 4. The company said
                         prices, as producers attempt to refine their port-  it had acquired Abraxas Petroleum’s Williston
                         folios. Transactions are taking place across a vari-  Basin assets in North Dakota for $87.2mn and
                         ety of shale-producing regions.      that it had also purchased Austin Chalk and
                           On December 16, Earthstone Energy said  Eagle Ford properties in Texas from an unnamed
                         it had agreed to buy the assets of Warburg  private seller for $271.3mn.
                         Pincus-backed Chisolm Energy Holdings for   Lime Rock added in its statement that it
                         $604mn in cash and stock. The assets are located  has acquired over $850mn worth of oil and
                         in the New Mexico portion of the Permian  gas properties over the past four months. For
                         Basin’s Delaware sub-basin. This deal, along  Abraxas, the sale of its Williston Basin assets
                         with the previous four acquisitions Earthstone  turns it into a pure-play Delaware Basin
                         had made in 2021, has increased the company’s  producer.
                         Permian net acreage by roughly 400%. The trans-  Then, on January 5, Spain’s Repsol confirmed
                         action is anticipated to be completed in the first  reports that it had bought Marcellus shale assets
                         quarter of 2022.                     in Pennsylvania from Rockdale Marcellus in a
                           The Delaware also saw another major deal  bankruptcy auction for $222mn. And on Janu-
                         close days later, with Pioneer Natural Resources  ary 6, FireBird Energy said it had completed an
                         announcing on December 21 that it had com-  acquisition of operated assets in the Permian’s
                         pleted the $3.1bn sale of assets in the sub-ba-  Midland sub-basin from Chevron for an undis-
                         sin to Continental Resources. This marked  closed amount.™

       Aethon reportedly considering

       Haynesville asset sale

        LOUISIANA        PRIVATE investment firm Aethon Energy  in December. Meanwhile, Chesapeake Energy
                         Management is reportedly exploring a sale  bought Vine Energy for $615mn in November.
                         of its assets in North Louisiana’s Haynesville   Drivers for the deals include private equity
                         shale gas play. Citing sources familiar with the  players seeking to sell off oil and gas assets now
                         matter, Reuters reported on January 5 that the  that commodity prices have strengthened. For
                         assets could be valued at around $6bn includ-  the sellers, meanwhile, the Haynesville provides
                         ing debt.                            exposure to the booming gas market on the US
                           According to the sources, bankers hired by  Gulf Coast, driven by rising LNG exports from
                         Aethon were gauging initial interest in the assets  a growing number of liquefaction plants in the
                         among a small number of potential buyers in  region.
                         the final weeks of 2021, ahead of a formal sale   Not all deals have involved private firms
                         process that is anticipated to take place this year.  being sold to publicly listed operators, though.
                         The sources added that Aethon’s assets in the  In December, Paloma Partners VI Holdings –
                         East Texas portion of the Haynesville would not  an affiliate of private equity firm EnCap Invest-
                         be included in a sale. They also said there was no  ments – completed its acquisition of Goodrich
                         guarantee that any sale would go ahead.  Petroleum. The deal, estimated at $480mn,
                           If a sale does take place, however, it would be  resulted in Goodrich becoming a private com-
                         the latest in a series of Haynesville transactions  pany and gave Paloma assets in a number of US
                         that have played out in recent months. Notable  shale regions, including in the Haynesville.
                         deals have seen privately owned Haynesville   Indeed, the Haynesville had been Goodrich’s
                         producers acquired by publicly listed players.  main target recently, and accounted for almost
                         These include Southwestern Energy’s acqui-  all of the company’s proven reserves of 543bn
                         sitions of Indigo Natural Resources for $2.7bn  cubic feet (15.4bn cubic metres) of gas equiva-
                         in September and GEP Haynesville for $1.85bn  lent at the end of 2020.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 01   06•January•2022
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