Page 9 - NorthAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       Biden administration approves

       additional SPR release to ExxonMobil

        US               THE  US Department of Energy (DoE)  10. Argus Media reported in late December that
                         announced on December 30 that it had approved  ExxonMobil had until September 2024 to return
                         a third exchange of crude from the country’s  the crude, making this the longest loan term
                         Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) for release to  available under a new federal programme. The
                         ExxonMobil.                          super-major will return an additional 8.6% of
                           The release is part of US President Joe Biden’s  the loan volume, according to the information
                         strategy to help ease oil supply challenges and  service.
                         lower gasoline prices. Under Biden’s direction,   Days after the SPR release announcement,
                         the DoE authorised the release of 50mn barrels  the US government welcomed a decision by
                         in total from the SPR in November, including up  OPEC and its allies to stick to their planned
       The Biden         to 32mn barrels to be made available through an  oil production increase for February. OPEC+
       administration has now   exchange, while also agreeing to accelerate the  countries agreed on January 4 to raise output
       provided over 7mn   timeline for selling an additional 18mn barrels.  by 400,000 barrels per day (bpd) in Febru-
       barrels of SPR crude to   Companies that receive SPR crude through  ary. The US had been urging the group to
       boost US supplies.  the exchange agree to return the volumes they  produce more oil in a bid to help the global
                         received, plus an additional amount that depends  economic recovery from the coronavirus
                         on how long they held the oil.       (COVID-19) pandemic and restrain rising
                           The DoE said on December 30 that with the  crude prices.
                         latest exchange, as well as two others awarded   West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude was
                         earlier in the month, it had now provided over  trading at around $80 per barrel as of January
                         7mn barrels of SPR crude to boost US supplies.  6. Meanwhile, fuel savings platform GasBuddy
                         The department previously approved a 4.8mn  has forecast that US gasoline prices have not
                         barrel exchange with ExxonMobil on December  yet peaked.™

       OPEC picks new Secretary-

       General as restrictions ease

        GLOBAL           OPEC this week elected its new secretary-gen-  appointment was welcomed by Saudi Energy
                         eral, voting in Kuwaiti industry veteran Haitham  Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, who
                         al-Ghais, who will replace Nigerian Mohammed  offered his “cordial congratulations”.
                         Barkindo in August. His election was announced   Meanwhile, he was quoted by Al Arabiya as
                         a day before the group and its OPEC+ partners  saying that he expects global oil demand to reach
                         decided to proceed with their planned easing of  pre-pandemic levels by the end of the year.
                         output restrictions in February.       With OPEC+ having been nervous about the
                           Al-Ghais told Reuters that supporting “the  impact of the mutating coronavirus (COVID-
                         continuation of this Declaration of Co-opera-  19) when it last met, a JTC report on January
                         tion” into 2023 is one of his top priorities. “It’s  2 played down the impact of the Omicron var-
                         in the wider interest of the industry and all the  iant. It said Omicron “is expected to be mild
                         23 countries that have signed up to this agree-  and short-lived, as the world becomes better
                         ment,” he added, noting that he would work to  equipped to manage COVID-19 and its related
                         “preserve and nurture” relations with Russia.  challenges”, suggesting that the group was
                           The secretary-general-elect spoke of his  unlikely to make any knee-jerk reactions.
                         “unwavering” commitment to the Joint Tech-  This indeed turned out to be the case when
                         nical Committee (JTC) and the Joint Ministe-  the group reached a quick decision on January
                         rial Monitoring Committee (JMMC). “I have  4, proceeding with plans to ease production cuts
                         hands-on experience of what the JTC does, what  by a further 400,000 barrels per day (bpd) next
                         the JMMC does. I’ve attended all these meetings  month. However, with some members having
                         since 2017, I haven’t missed a single meeting,  struggled to reach their targets, only a fraction
                         even when I had a broken leg,” he said. Al-Ghais’  of this is seen making its way on to the market.™

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