Page 5 - NorthAmOil Annual Review 2021
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                           Indeed, executives from both Diamondback   Yacob’s comments come amid predictions of
                         and Devon Energy, speaking on the same web-  a smaller global oil surplus this year than previ-
                         cast panel as Sheffield, said they would need the  ously anticipated. Meanwhile, OPEC+ has been
                         support of shareholders if they were to signifi-  struggling to meet its own production targets in
                         cantly increase output again.        recent months. The group agreed on January 4
                                                              to stick with its plan to ease production cuts by
                         Production growth                    a further 400,000 barrels per day (bpd) in Feb-
                         It cannot be ruled out, however, that some  ruary, but not all of this volume is expected to
                         producers and their shareholders could back a  reach the market, potentially setting the stage
                         ramp-up in drilling in a higher price environ-  for further price rises.
                         ment. Indeed, also speaking at the Goldman   In the US, other producers may find them-
                         Sachs event, EOG Resources’ CEO, Ezra Yacob,  selves increasingly tempted to follow EOG’s  Some producers
                         said his company was ready to boost production  example in planning to ramp up production if
                         from this summer if market demand supports  market conditions call for it. And while publicly   and their
                         such a move.                         listed companies in particular are likely to act   shareholders
                           If the conditions are right, “EOG would be  with more caution, and seek shareholder sup-
                         in a position to return to pre-COVID levels of  port for any change in strategy, there are still   could back a
                         production” potentially by the middle of 2022,  plenty of smaller, private companies operating
                         he said. “If the world has a call on oil and there’s  in US shale plays that are less constrained.  ramp-up in
                         room to grow our low-cost, lower-emissions   US’ oil output is already rising gradually even
                         barrels into the market, we can certainly deliver  as most operators continue to practise restraint.   drilling in a
                         on that.”                            The US Energy Information Administration   higher price
                           Yacob tempered his statement by adding that  (EIA) forecast last month that oil production
                         even if EOG does go ahead with an increase to  would rise from a projected 11.63mn bpd in the   environment.
                         production, it would only represent growth of  fourth quarter of 2021 to 12.09mn bpd in the
                         about 5%. The goal is to invest “at a pace where  same quarter of 2022. In the shorter term, the
                         each of your assets is getting better year after  agency predicted that oil output from its seven
                         year”, he said.                      leading shale regions would rise by 96,000 bpd
                           Nonetheless, EOG, which is due to release its  in January compared with December, largely as
                         capital budget and drilling plans for 2022 in Feb-  a result of growth in the Permian Basin.
                         ruary, has gone further than most shale drillers   If this is what happens when producers act
                         by setting out a rough timeline for when it could  with restraint, what plays out when they actively
                         step up drilling.                    seek to raise output could be significant.™

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