Page 19 - NorthAmOil Week 31
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       communities we serve.”              on serving our customers and maintaining   Initial renewable power projects are
         Jacksonville is the nation’s No. 2 vehicle-  a strong balance sheet. We remain confident   expected to be sited on Chevron land and
       handling port and the only U.S. East Coast   that the strategic actions we have taken to   construction is planned to start in 2021.
       port offering on-dock and near-dock LNG   further improve our cost structure will pay   The projects will be focused on powering
       fuelling capabilities.              off handsomely once we return to a more   Chevron’s operations in the US Permian Basin
         Four LNG-powered vessels are      normalized operating environment,” he   (TX and NM), Argentina, Kazakhstan and
       homeported at JAXPORT. Three LNG    concluded.                           Western Australia. Projects will be jointly
       production and storage facilities operate in   US SILICA HOLDINGS, July 31, 2020  owned and co-developed by both parties.
       Northeast Florida, and a fourth facility is                              Algonquin will lead the design, development
       currently under construction.                                            and construction of the projects. Chevron will
       THE JACKSONVILLE PORT AUTHORITY, July 30,  ENERGY TRANSITION             purchase electricity from the jointly owned
       2020                                                                     projects through power purchase agreements.
                                           Chevron seeks to source              technical and operational expertise in
                                                                                  “This partnership leverages Algonquin’s
                                           more than 500 MW of                  and local knowledge to enable faster, more
       SERVICES                                                                 renewable power with Chevron’s scale, land,
       US Silica Holdings                  renewable electricity for its        cost-effective cleaner energy solutions,”
                                                                                said Arun Banskota, Chief Executive
       announces second-quarter  operations                                     Officer of Algonquin. “Continuing to
                                                                                invest in renewable energy solutions is
       2020 results                        Chevron USA, a wholly owned subsidiary   fundamental to our business strategy. By
                                                                                working with sustainability champions like
                                           of Chevron Corporation, and Algonquin
       US Silica Holdings, a diversified industrial   Power & Utilities Corp. today announced an   Chevron, we maximise the positive impact
       minerals company and the leading last-mile   agreement seeking to co-develop renewable   of the low carbon technologies we offer to
       logistics provider to the oil and gas industry,   power projects that will provide electricity   communities across the US and Canada, and
       today announced second quarter 2020 results,   to strategic assets across Chevron’s global   internationally.”
       including a net loss of $32.4mn, or $(0.44) per   portfolio. Under the four-year agreement,   Algonquin, parent company of Liberty
       basic and diluted share.            Chevron plans to generate more than 500   Utilities and Liberty Power, is a North
         The second quarter results were negatively   megawatts (MW) of its existing and future   American leader in the generation of
       impacted by $33.4mn, or $0.35 per share, of   electricity demand from renewable sources.  renewable energy through its portfolio
       charges related to asset impairments, plant   “Chevron intends to lead in the future of   of long-term contracted wind, solar
       startup and expansion, facility closure costs,   energy by developing affordable, reliable and   and hydroelectric generating facilities,
       and other adjustments, resulting in adjusted   ever-cleaner energy,” said Allen Satterwhite,   representing more than 2 GW of installed
       EPS for the second quarter of $(0.09) per basic  President of Chevron Pipeline & Power. “This   renewable generating capacity.
       and diluted share.                  agreement advances Chevron’s commitment   The 500 MWof capacity outlined in the
         “I am extremely proud of our colleagues for  to lower our carbon footprint by investing in   agreement is equivalent to the energy used to
       delivering strong second quarter results, while   renewable power solutions that are reliable,   power 400,000 US households for a year.
       continuing to prioritize health and safety,   scalable, cost efficient, and directly support   CHEVRON USA AND ALGONQUIN POWER &
       during these challenging times,” said Bryan   our core business.”        UTILITIES CORP., July 30, 2020
       Shinn, chief executive officer. “Our operations
       and logistics teams did a stellar job of
       rapidly and aggressively right-sizing our cost
       structure to minimise the impact of sharply
       lower oilfield activity and weaker demand for
       some industrial sand products in the quarter.
       We have made commendable progress but still
       have additional cost reduction opportunities,
       particularly in the area of leased railcar costs.
       We continue to actively work with key lessors
       to complete necessary lease amendments to
       make our ongoing railcar costs sustainable
       over the long term.”
         “In July, we are experiencing a rebound in
       whole grain industrial sand sales as customers
       restart temporarily idled plants. We also
       expect our filtration product lines to continue
       to perform well, driven by robust consumer
       demand for food and beverage products. In
       the third quarter, Oil & Gas segment proppant
       volumes and SandBox loads are expected to
       increase sequentially,” he added.
         “Finally, while many industry peers pursue
       financial restructuring, we are keenly focused

       Week 31   06•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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