Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 31
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                for Pieridae to free up cash collateral to
                                                                                redeploy to help continue to grow the
                                                                                company,” said Pieridae Chief Financial
                                                                                Officer Rob Dargewitcz. “This facility from
                                                                                EDC sends a strong signal to the market that
                                                                                we continue to gain momentum and key
                                                                                support for the company and its strategic
                                                                                  EDC is a financial Crown corporation with
                                                                                offices around the world. They are dedicated
                                                                                to helping Canadian companies succeed on
                                                                                the world stage while ensuring all projects and
       possession facility provided by certain of its   (LNG) export sectors.   transactions they support are conducted in a
       first lien term loan lenders.          “This is an extraordinary project that not   manner that is financially, environmentally
         The Chapter 11 process will encompass a   only connects a world-class resource basin to   and socially responsible. This facility approval
       comprehensive restructuring of the company.   the Gulf Coast, a growing domestic demand   announced today establishes the start of
       Fieldwood entered into a restructuring   centre, but also helps to meet international   what is hoped to be a strong and ongoing
       support agreement (RSA) with the support of   demand for clean and reliable natural gas   partnership with EDC.
       key members of the company’s lender group,   through US LNG export facilities,” said David   PIERIDAE ENERGY, July 29, 2020
       including holders of approximately two-thirds   Slater, president and COO, DTE Midstream.
       of the obligations under its first lien term loan   “DTE Midstream has a reputation for safety   First of its kind LNG-
       facility.                           and timely project completion and the team
         Fieldwood has filed a series of motions   came through again – ahead of schedule and   powered vehicle carrier
       with the Bankruptcy Court which, when   under budget. We would also like to thank
       granted, are expected to enable the company   Momentum Midstream for their help in   calls JAXPORT
       to maintain its operations as usual throughout   completing the project in such unique times
       the restructuring process.          and acknowledge Indigo Resources, a top-tier   This week the Jacksonville Port Authority
         Mike Dane, the company’s senior   producer that has helped make this project   (JAXPORT) welcomed Siem Confucius, the
       vice president and chief financial officer,   possible.”                 world’s first vehicle carrier of its size operated
       commented: “Today’s announcement reflects   The LEAP gathering system was part of   by cleaner, greener liquefied natural gas
       the next step in our efforts to respond to   DTE’s fourth quarter 2019 acquisition of   (LNG).
       the challenging market environment and   Momentum Midstream’s Louisiana assets.   The vessel arrived at JAXPORT from
       Fieldwood’s liabilities. Over the last several   LEAP is fully contracted under long-term,   Veracruz, Mexico and unloaded factory-new
       months, we have worked collaboratively with   demand charge agreements. Current capacity   Volkswagen Group of America cars and SUVs
       numerous important stakeholders to evaluate   is 1.0 bcf per day with significant economic   at the port’s Blount Island Marine Terminal
       our options and proactively manage our   expansion capabilities.         during its maiden voyage to the United States.
       balance sheet. The transactions contemplated   DTE MIDSTREAM, July 29, 2020  The 7,500-car-capacity Siem Confucius is
       in our RSA to be implemented through                                     the first of two new LNG-powered ships built
       Chapter 11 represent the best course of action                           by Siem Car Carriers AS and commissioned
       for Fieldwood and all our stakeholders and we  DOWNSTREAM                by Volkswagen Group of America. Siem Car
       look forward to implementing this plan.”                                 Carriers says the ships reduce carbon dioxide
       FIELDWOOD ENERGY, August 04, 2020   Pieridae secures CAD6mn              emissions by up to 25% and sulphur oxide
                                                                                emissions up to 100%.
                                           account security guarantee             “Siem Confucius and its sister ship, Siem
       MIDSTREAM                                                                Aristotle, are among the most modern and
                                                                                eco-friendly ships serving the automotive
       DTE Midstream’s 150-mile            facility from Export                 industry today,” said Siem Car Carriers
                                           Development Canada
                                                                                President Jeffrey Campbell. “By investing
       gathering system now                Pieridae Energy is pleased to announce it has   in world-class technology and maintaining
                                                                                a modern and efficient fleet, we are able to
       delivering to Gulf Coast            received approval from Export Development   reduce emissions and our overall carbon
                                           Canada (EDC) for a CAD6mn guarantee
                                                                                footprint, while delivering the world-class
       DTE Midstream, a non-utility business of   facility as part of EDC’s Account Performance   service our customers have come to expect
       DTE Energy, today announced that test gas   Security Guarantee programme. The   from Siem.”
       is now flowing through its Louisiana Energy   programme provides a 100% guarantee to   “Northeast Florida is a global leader
       Access Project (LEAP) gathering system,   the issuing bank of certain of the company’s   in the use of LNG as a preferred fuel type
       which will be fully in service on August   existing and future letters of credit. The APSG   for the maritime industry,” said JAXPORT
       1, 2020. The 150-mile, 36-inch gathering   will allow Pieridae to release cash collateral   CEO Eric Green. “Some of the world’s
       pipeline connects Louisiana’s Haynesville   requirements provided as security for certain   most environmentally friendly vessels call
       Basin to the growing Gulf Coast region where   existing and potential future LCs.   JAXPORT and we are proud to support
       demand for natural gas is rapidly increasing in   “We are very pleased to have this support   these initiatives and do our part to make
       the power, industrial and liquefied natural gas   from EDC, as this is a significant opportunity   the supply chain cleaner and greener for the

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   06•August•2020
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