Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 31
P. 13

NorthAmOil                           PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       MPLX warns

       of impact from

       potential Bakken

       pipeline shutdown

        NORTH DAKOTA     MPLX, the master limited partnership (MLP)
                         formed by Marathon Petroleum in 2012 to focus
                         on midstream assets, has flagged up the financial
                         impact of a potential shutdown of two pipelines
                         serving the Bakken play. This comes as both the
                         Dakota Access pipeline, in which MPLX has a
                         9% indirect interest, and the Tesoro High Plains
                         pipeline, which it fully owns, are facing legal
                         obstacles that could potentially result in their
                           MPLX’s executive vice-president and chief
                         financial officer, Pamela Beall, said on the com-
                         pany’s second-quarter earnings call that in the
                         event that both pipelines were shut for “any  year, is appealing against the ruling. The pipe-  An appeals court
                         period of time”, the MLP anticipated a maxi-  line, which carries less than 100,000 bpd of oil,   overturned the order
                         mum impact to its pre-tax earnings of less than  remains operational in the meantime.  to shut Dakota Access
                         $100mn per year.                                                         on August 5, but a
                           A US federal judge ordered the closure of  Permian progress            legal battle over the
                         Dakota Access in July, ruling that a compre-  The company has also provided an update on   permit that allowed
                         hensive environmental review had not been  the planned pipelines it is involved in that would   the pipeline to be
                         conducted during construction. Dakota Access’  carry oil and gas from the Permian Basin to the   completed continues.
                         majority owner, Energy Transfer, is appealing  US Gulf Coast.
                         against the judge’s order, and has claimed that   MPLX and its partners are planning to bring
                         shutting down the pipeline could up to $7.5bn  the Wink-to-Webster crude pipeline into service
                         in losses for companies, workers and the state  in the first half of 2021, with the Whistler natural
                         budget in North Dakota alone between now and  gas pipeline anticipated to follow in the second
                         2021.                                half of that year.
                                                                The company noted that project financing
                           Some analysts have questioned these num-
        Dakota Access    bers, arguing that they are based on Bakken  for the Whistler pipeline had been secured in
         is the largest   oil production expectations that are no longer  the second quarter of this year. This had already
       pipeline carrying   realistic given the collapse in crude prices and  been factored into MPLX’s reduced 2020 growth
                         demand earlier this year. Nonetheless, Dakota  capital target, it noted.
        crude out of the   Access is the largest pipeline carrying crude out   MPLX abandoned a Permian natural gas
                         of the Bakken, with a capacity of 570,000 barrels  liquids (NGLs) pipeline, known as BANGL, in
         Bakken, with    per day (bpd), and some producers are holding  May owing to the collapse in crude prices at the
                         off on bringing back curtailed output in the play  end of the first quarter. However, Beall said that
         a capacity of   amid uncertainty over its fate.      in an effort to continue supporting customers,
                           An appeals court overturned the order to  MPLX had formed a joint venture with White-
       570,000 barrels   shut Dakota Access on August 5, but a legal bat-  Water Midstream and West Texas Gas to provide
        per day (bpd).   tle over the permit that allowed the pipeline to  NGL takeaway capacity from MPLX and West
                         be completed continues. A new environmental  Texas Gas processing plants in the Permian to
                         assessment for Dakota Access may be required,  Sweeny, Texas. The joint venture will largely use
                         and a further decision from US regulators over  existing infrastructure, thus requiring limited
                         whether the pipeline can keep operating.  initial construction.
                           Tesoro High Plains, meanwhile, was also   MPLX reported second-quarter 2020 net
                         ordered to shut down in July after the US Depart-  income of $648mn, compared with net income
                         ment of the Interior’s (DoI) Bureau of Indian  of $482mn for the same quarter of 2019. The
                         Affairs unexpectedly ruled that the pipeline was  company said it was on track to reduce its 2020
                         illegally trespassing on Native American land.  capital spending by over $700mn, and operating
                         MPLX, which acquired the pipeline system last  expenses by around $200mn.™

       Week 31   06•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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