Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 31
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NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Second-quarter losses pile up

       The earnings season is in full swing, and North American oil and gas

       producers across the board are reporting second-quarter losses as expected,

       with majors not immune to the trend

        NORTH AMERICA    THE earnings season is well underway, and as  quarter. The write-downs included the compa-
                         expected, second-quarter losses are piling up  ny’s entire investment in Venezuela, owing to
       WHAT:             among North America’s oil and gas producers.  uncertainty over the operating environment,
       Majors and independents   The industry downturn began at the end of the  and a bleak overall outlook. Chevron is the last
       alike are reporting   first quarter, worsening significantly as a brief oil  major US oil company operating in Venezuela,
       second-quarter losses.  price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia was  but it has been told by the government of US
                         compounded by a collapse in energy demand  President Donald Trump to wind down its busi-
       WHY:              owing to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pan-  ness there.
       The collapse in oil prices   demic. April is widely considered to have been   Other write-downs of oil and gas properties
       and energy demand has   the industry’s lowest point, with West Texas  affected non-shale operations in the Permian
       taken a considerable   Intermediate (WTI) prices briefly dropping into  Basin, offshore Gulf of Mexico fields and unspec-
       toll on North America’s   negative territory. And while the downturn is by  ified properties outside the US, according to
       producers.        no means over, producers are hoping that the  comments made to Reuters by Chevron’s chief
                         second quarter will be their worst, and a num-  financial officer, Pierre Breber.
       WHAT NEXT:        ber are cautiously restoring the output they have   The super-major also reported earnings of
       A number of producers   curtailed since March.         $700mn associated with a gain on the sale of
       are cautiously resuming   Over the past few days, a number of large and  assets in Azerbaijan and tax items, but these were
       curtailed output on hopes   small North American upstream players alike  eclipsed by the charges.
       that the worst is over.  have reported their second-quarter results.   ExxonMobil’s quarterly loss, meanwhile, was
                         Notable producers to release their results  comparatively smaller, coming in at $1.1bn,
                         over the past week or so include US-based  down from a profit of $3.1bn in the second
                         super-majors ExxonMobil and Chevron, as  quarter of 2019 and a loss of $610mn in the first
                         well as ConocoPhillips – the US’ largest inde-  quarter of 2020. However, it was only the com-
                         pendent producers. They were joined by prom-  pany’s second back-to-back quarterly loss in at
                         inent shale players including Pioneer Natural  least 36 years.
                         Resources, Continental Resources and Devon   Executives on ExxonMobil’s earnings call said
                         Energy.                              absolute demand had fallen to levels they had not
                           In Canada, major producers reporting their  seen in nearly 20 years.
                         results over the past few days included Imperial   ExxonMobil slashed its capital spending
                         Oil – ExxonMobil’s subsidiary north of the bor-  for 2020 by around 30% to roughly $23bn,  Amid the losses,
                         der – and Husky Energy.              and expects to spend less than $19bn in 2021.
                           Amid the losses, some producers outper-  If this remains unchanged, it would be the   some producers
                         formed analyst expectations, thanks to cost-cut-  super-major’s lowest level of spending since at   outperformed
                         ting measures, or buoyed by the recovery in oil  least 2005.
                         prices more recently. Others, however, posted   While losses and asset impairments were seen   analyst
                         some of their worst losses in years.  almost across the board, European super-ma-
                                                              jors outperformed Chevron and ExxonMobil   expectations,
                         Major struggle                       in some areas. For example, the trading arms of
                         Chevron was among those companies posting  Total and Royal Dutch Shell have been credited   thanks to cost-
                         a particularly large loss when compared with  with bolstering their respective second-quarter   cutting measures,
                         its performance in other quarters – indeed,  earnings and allowing them to achieve small
                         the $8.3bn loss it reported was its worst at least  profits.              or buoyed by the
                         30 years. This marked a drop from a profit of   Like their European rivals, though, Chevron
                         $4.3bn in the second quarter of 2019 and a profit  and ExxonMobil saw their upstream segments   recovery in oil
                         of $3.6bn in the first quarter of 2020. On an  hit hard. Chevron reported a $6.1bn upstream
                         adjusted basis, Chevron reported a $3.0bn loss,  loss, compared with a profit of $3.5bn in the   prices.
                         down year on year from a $3.4bn profit.  same quarter a year ago. ExxonMobil, mean-
                           The latest result was exacerbated by $3.9bn  while, reported that its global upstream busi-
                         worth of charges for impairments, write-offs and  ness swung to a $1.7bn loss in the second
                         severance accruals, with Chevron reporting total  quarter of 2020, compared with a $3.3bn profit
                         non-cash net charges of $5.2bn in the second  a year ago.

       Week 31   06•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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