Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 31
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       US LNG exports still booming

       despite cargo cancellations

       Exports of LNG from the US have still risen year on year, despite a spate

       of cargo cancellations over the summer as a result of global oversupply

        GLOBAL           MUCH has been made of the cancellations over  shipments to Latin America in particular tak-
                         the summer of cargoes due to be loaded from US  ing a hit over the summer – deliveries to Asia
       WHAT:             LNG export terminals. However, the latest data  remained 67% higher than they were last year.
       US LNG exports are up   show that US LNG exports are still up compared  Deliveries of US LNG to Europe, meanwhile,
       compared with 2019   with 2019, with new liquefaction capacity addi-  have shrunk just one cargo, according to Reuters.
       despite recent cargo   tions helping the country to remain one of the   The news service added that total European
       cancellations.    dominant players on the global market even with  LNG imports were lower in June and July, while
                         the cancellations factored in.       Asian deliveries were stable, and that this sug-
       WHY:                Refinitiv Eikon data reported by Reuters  gests the US has increased its market share.
       Liquefaction capacity   showed that the US exported 26.5mn tonnes   More cancellations are due in August, but
       additions have offset   of LNG in January-July 2020, marking a 41%  their pace is reported to be slowing, and there
       the cancellations and   increase year on year. And the news service also  are expectations that US shipments will pick up
       are helping the US to   cited Rystad Energy’s vice-president of gas and  further in September and October.
       dominate LNG markets.  power markets, Xi Nan, as saying he expects the   Traders cited by Reuters expect winter car-
                         US to produce 55mn tonnes of LNG over the  goes to go primarily to Asia as prices there rise.
       WHAT NEXT:        whole of 2020, which would equate to a 53%  However, this depends on how temperatures
       A report has expressed   increase on 2019.             behave over the coming winter, as well as on
       scepticism over new   While regional price differentials have nar-  a limited impact from any new coronavirus
       demand for US LNG from   rowed recently, in the first half of 2020, prices  (COVID-19) spikes.
       Chinese buyers.   in Europe and Asia made US LNG an eco-
                         nomically attractive option. This, coupled with  Capacity surge
                         the new additions to US liquefaction capacity,  Over 21mn tonnes per year (tpy) of US LNG
                         allowed the country to remain dominant in the  capacity was added in 2019 and more than 16mn
                         global LNG market, retaining its status as the  tonnes in 2020. New capacity is still starting up –
                         third-largest producer of the super-chilled fuel  with more in the pipeline.
                         in the world.                          Earlier this month, Kinder Morgan requested
                           And even with US exports falling – and  regulatory permission to bring the seventh

       Week 31   06•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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