Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 31
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                     INVESTMENT                                         NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Fort Hills was one
                                                                                                  of the two oil sands
                                                                                                  projects affected by the
                                                                                                  impairment related to
                                                                                                  Total’s net zero goals.

       Total writes down $7bn of

       Canadian oil sands assets

        NORTH AMERICA    FRANCE’S Total has reported as part of its   “It is disappointing that they would write
                         second-quarter results that it has written down  down Canadian assets, and increase their
                         its Canadian oil sands assets by $7.0bn. This  focus in Africa and Brazil and the Middle East,”
                         accounts for the bulk of an overall $8.1bn excep-  CAPP’s CEO, Tim McMillan, told CBC News.
                         tional asset impairment reported by the French
                         major.                               Scaling down
                           In a July 29 statement, the company explained  Separately, Total is reported to have scaled down
                         that it had revised its oil price assumptions for  its participation in Tellurian and its proposed
                         the coming years as a result of this year’s collapse  Driftwood LNG project. According to a regu-
                         in the crude price. It now anticipates the average  latory filing made by the company with the US
                         Brent price over 2020-50 to be $56.8 per barrel  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) this
                         and said it saw a $1.5bn impairment charge on  week, Total has reduced its stake in Tellurian to
                         its oil sands assets in the second quarter as a  17.4%, from 19% when it first agreed to invest in
                         result of this adjustment.           the latter’s LNG project. Total had said in an ear-
                           The remainder of the impairment stems from  lier filing that it would continue to sell Tellurian
                         the fact that Total has adopted a net zero emis-  shares “from time to time”.  The remainder of
                         sions target for 2050. In line with this, the com-  A Total executive, Eric Festa, resigned from
                         pany said it had reviewed oil assets that can be  Tellurian’s board of directors on July 31 accord-  the impairment
                         qualified as “stranded”, meaning those with high  ing to the filing. Total said Festa’s resignation
                         production costs and anticipated to last beyond  was not a result of any disagreement between   stems from the
                         20 years, whose overall reserves may not be  him and Tellurian, its management, its board
                         tapped by 2050. The only projects identified in  of directors, or any committee of its board, but   fact that Total
                         this category are Fort Hills and Surmont – both  provided no further details on the reason for the   has adopted a net
                         of which are in the Canada’s oil sands.  move.
                           Total noted that for impairment calculations,   Total still holds 44.9mn shares in Tellurian,   zero emissions
                         its board of directors had decided to take into  versus about 46mn in April 2019. The French
                         account only proven reserves on these two  company agreed last year to invest $500mn in  target for 2050.
                         assets – rather than proven and probable (2P)  Driftwood Holdings, and also entered into a
                         reserves as is generally considered to be stand-  definitive sales and purchase agreement (SPA)
                         ard practice. This has resulted in an additional  for an additional 1.5mn tonnes per year (tpy) of
                         exceptional asset impairment of $5.5bn, for a  LNG from the Driftwood terminal.
                         total of $7.0bn.                      However, Tellurian’s progress towards a final
                           In addition, Total announced that it had  investment decision (FID) on Driftwood has
                         decided to withdraw from the Canadian Asso-  been slowed by current market conditions.
                         ciation of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), an  Nonetheless, the US company recently resumed
                         industry association, citing “misalignment”  talks with India’s Petronet on a potential invest-
                         between the group’s position and its own on cli-  ment in Driftwood after a previous memoran-
                         mate action.                         dum of understanding (MoU) expired in June.™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   06•August•2020
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