Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 31
P. 16

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Russia overtakes US in

       LNG supplies to China

        GLOBAL           RUSSIA continues to make inroads into Asian   In June 2019, Russia exported 67,000 tonnes
                         LNG markets. The latest Chinese customs data  of LNG to China, while the US exported none
                         show that Russia supplied 396,000 tonnes of  that month. The latest figures for Russian LNG
                         LNG to the Asian country in June, compared  shipments to China show how dramatically LNG
                         with 340,000 tonnes arriving from the US.  trade between the two countries has grown over
                           According to the customs data, Russia’s LNG  the past year.
                         exports to China surged by 20.7% on May fig-  Overall, Russia has more than quadrupled its
                         ures, while US exports only rose 2.4% month on  LNG exports since 2009 and is aggressively pur-
                         month.                               suing further expansion. Earlier in July, Russian
                           This is perhaps not surprising given that  Minister of Energy Alexander Novak wrote in an
                         US exports of LNG to China had only recently  article that new megaprojects could allow Russia
                         resumed, having been disrupted by the trade war  to take up to 15% of the global LNG market by
                         between the two countries. Earlier this year, Bei-  2025. This compares with around 7% in 2019 –
                         jing started granting tariff waivers to buyers of  and likely a higher figure in 2020.
                         US LNG in a bid to encourage them to increase   Total Chinese imports of LNG also rose
                         imports.                             29% year on year in June 2020, to 5.79mn
                           Data from the US Energy Information  tonnes. The figure refutes previous projections
                         Administration (EIA) show that the country has  that China’s June imports were set to fall from
                         only been exporting LNG to China again since  May levels of 5.6mn tonnes. This comes after
                         March. Prior to this, the last time US LNG was  the early hit China took from the coronavirus
                         shipped to China was in February 2019.  (COVID-19) pandemic.™
                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       Marathon Petroleum to close

       two refineries, sell Speedway

        US               MARATHON Petroleum has announced plans  quarter of 2021 and generate after-tax proceeds
                         to permanently close two small US refineries as  of about $16.5bn, which Marathon will use to
                         a result of lower demand for fuels. Separately, the  repay some of its debt of over $30bn and for
                         downstream company said it had struck a deal to  shareholder returns.
                         sell its network of Speedway gasoline stations to   The all-cash acquisition is Seven & i’s largest
                         7-Eleven, which is a wholly owned, indirect sub-  ever, and will leave Marathon far more reliant
                         sidiary of Japan’s Seven & i Holdings, for $21bn.  on refining and midstream operations at a time
                           Both moves were announced immediately in  when refining margins are being squeezed.
                         the run-up to Marathon’s second-quarter earn-  Indeed, the move to close two refineries illus-
                         ings call, when the company reported a smaller  trates the challenges currently facing the refining
                         quarterly loss than analysts had expected.  industry. The refineries are located in Martinez,
                         Thanks to a recovery in demand for gasoline and  California and Gallup, New Mexico and were
                         other products since it collapsed in April, Mara-  both acquired in 2018 when Marathon took over
                         thon posted an adjusted loss of $868mn, or $1.33  Andeavor.
                         per share, for the second quarter, compared with   Major maintenance had been carried out
                         analysts’ expectations of a $1.75 per share loss.  at the 161,000 barrel per day (bpd) Martinez
                           The sale of Speedway comes after Marathon  refinery last year, but the demand collapse and
                         launched a restructuring process in 2019 under  further upcoming maintenance contributed to
                         pressure from activist investor Elliott Manage-  Marathon’s decision to shut the refinery. It is now
                         ment. The company had initially planned to  evaluating the possibility of converting Martinez
                         spin off Speedway into a separate entity, but this  to a renewable diesel facility.
                         process was delayed until 2021 in June, just a few   The company had sought a buyer for the
                         weeks before Marathon announced the sale to  much smaller Gallup refinery, to no avail. It
                         Seven & i.                           will continue using logistics assets at the Gal-
                           The deal is anticipated to close in the first  lup site.™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   06•August•2020
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