Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 31
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            of cash directly to shareholders, a plan to   quarterly average NYMEX price on record
                                           streamline corporate and operating costs   since the third quarter of 1995,” stated Dan
       Shell completes sale of             across the organisation and the resumption of   O. Dinges, chairman, president and chief
                                                                                executive officer. “We anticipate that the
                                           its debt reduction programme.
       US Appalachia assets to             to accelerate the scheduled closing date of   improving demand outlook for natural gas,
                                             Devon and Banpu Kalnin Ventures plan
                                                                                in conjunction with accelerated structural
       National Fuel                       the Barnett shale asset sale to October 1,   declines in supply resulting from significant
                                                                                activity cuts across all onshore basins, will
                                           2020, from the previously arranged date of
       SWEPI (Shell), a subsidiary of Royal Dutch   December 31, 2020. After accounting for   provide tailwinds for natural gas prices this
       Shell plc, has completed the sale of its   purchase-price adjustments, which include   winter.”
       Appalachia shale gas position to Seneca   an upfront deposit of $170mn and allocated   Second quarter 2020 daily production was
       Resources Company and NFG Midstream   revenues and expenses from the effective date,   2,229mn cubic feet equivalent (mmcfe) per
       Covington, each of which are subsidiaries of   Devon expects to receive a net cash payment   day (100% natural gas), exceeding the high-
       National Fuel Gas Company.          of more than $300mn at closing.      end of the Company’s guidance range. During
         The consideration amount of $541mn, less   The Barnett shale sale agreement   the second quarter of 2020, the Company
       closing adjustments, is paid fully in cash. The   also provides Devon the opportunity for   drilled 14.2 net wells, completed 31.2 net
       transaction has an effective date of January 1,   contingent cash payments of up to $260mn   wells, and placed 25.0 net wells on production.
       2020.                               based upon future commodity prices, with   Second quarter 2020 natural gas price
         Shell has operated this asset over the past   upside participation beginning at either   realisations, including the impact of
       decade and is proud of the relationship it has   a $2.75 Henry Hub natural gas price or a   derivatives, were $1.52 per 1,000 cubic feet
       built with the local community in Appalachia   $50 West Texas Intermediate oil price. The   (mcf), a decrease of 33% compared to the
       while delivering strong operational   contingent payment period commences on   prior-year period. Excluding the impact of
       performance and commitment to safety.  January 1, 2021, and has a term of four years.   derivatives, second quarter 2020 natural gas
       ROYAL DUTCH SHELL, July 31, 2020    The contingent payments are earned and paid   price realisations represented a $0.30 discount
                                           on an annual basis.                  to NYMEX settlement prices compared to
       Devon Energy provides               DEVON ENERGY, August 04, 2020        a $0.44 discount in the prior-year period.
                                                                                Second quarter 2020 operating expenses
       Barnett update, announces  Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation                   (including interest expense) were $1.44 per
                                                                                1,000 cubic feet equivalent (mcfe).
       special dividend and                reports second-quarter               $30.4mn, or $0.08 per share, compared to
                                                                                  Second quarter 2020 net income was
       outlines next steps in cost- 2020 results                                $181.0mn, or $0.43 per share, in the prior-
                                                                                year period. Second quarter 2020 adjusted net
       reduction plan                      Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation today reported   income (non-GAAP) was $18.0mn, or $0.05
                                                                                per share, compared to $150.6mn, or $0.36
                                           financial and operating results for the second
       In conjunction with its second-quarter   quarter of 2020.                per share, in the prior-year period. Second
       earnings announcement, Devon Energy   “Cabot Oil & Gas demonstrated its   quarter 2020 EBITDAX (non-GAAP) was
       provided an update on the timing of its   continued ability to deliver profitability   $136.9mn, compared to $311.1mn in the
       Barnett shale divestiture closing and outlined   during this global pandemic, which has   prior-year period.
       details on the next phase of its strategic plan.   contributed to a historically-low natural gas   CABOT OIL & GAS CORPORATION, July 30,
       These strategic initiatives include the return   price environment, resulting in the lowest   2020
                                                                                Fieldwood Energy

                                                                                commences voluntary
                                                                                Chapter 11 process

                                                                                Fieldwood Energy and certain affiliates
                                                                                announced today that it has filed a voluntary
                                                                                petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the
                                                                                United States Bankruptcy Code in the
                                                                                Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of
                                                                                Texas. The company will continue to operate
                                                                                its business safely in the normal course
                                                                                during the pendency of the Chapter 11 cases
                                                                                and will continue working with its vendors,
                                                                                co-working interest owners, and employees
                                                                                to support the operations. Fieldwood expects
                                                                                to have access to sufficient liquidity to meet
                                                                                financial obligations during the restructuring,
                                                                                including cash on hand and a debtor-in-

       Week 31   06•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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