Page 10 - EurOil Week 45 2022
P. 10

EurOil                                         INVESTMENT                                              EurOil

       TotalEnergies head says West, rest of

       world don't see eye to eye on Ukraine

        FRANCE           TOTALENERGIES CEO Patrick Pouyanne has  Arctic LNG-2 project in the Russian Arctic, and
                         once again defended the company's decision to  also has a shareholder position in both facilities’
       TotalEnergies continues   remain in Russia and continue receiving divi-  operator Novatek. It has shed some of its minor
       receiving dividends   dends from its projects there, adding that the rest  interests in Russia, however, including a 20%
       from Russia, for the   of the world feels differently to the West regard-  stake in the Kharyaga oilfield and a 49% stake in
       time being.       ing the conflict.                    the Terneftegaz joint venture in Russia’s north.
                           “The vision which we have of this conflict in   TotalEnergies has also defended its decision
                         the Western camp is by no means shared by the  to continue receiving gas from its Russian pro-
                         vast majority of the rest of the world,” Pouyanne  jects, arguing that stopping the sale of that sup-
                         said on November 9, addressing the foreign  ply to the European market would exacerbate the
                         affairs committee of the French parliament.  continent’s energy crisis. It has said it will only
                           TotalEnergies has estimated it collected  take such a step if sanctions require it.
                         around $748mn in dividends from its projects   Pouyanne has warned before that it may not
                         in Russia during the first nine months of the  continue receiving dividends from Russia in the
                         year. Unlike its Western peers BP, ExxonMobil  future.
                         and Shell, it has also resisted calls to declare its   “It’s not easy to receive cash,” he said in late
                         intention to withdraw from Russia, although it  September. “The financial circuits between
                         has said it will avoid further investments, and as a  Russia and the rest of the world are becom-
                         result, its operations in the country will gradually  ing complex for Western companies. So to be
                         wind down.                           transparent, yes, we have received something
                           The French major has stakes in the opera-  this year, but I see some complexity month
                         tional Yamal LNG terminal and the uncompleted  after month.”™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   14•November•2022
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