Page 12 - EurOil Week 45 2022
P. 12

EurOil                                            GREECE                                               EurOil

       Greece hopes to find enough hydrocarbons

       to cover demand for 10 years

        GREECE           GREECE is hopeful it has enough hydrocarbon  consumption of Greece, if confirmed by real
                         reserves in the west of the country to cover its  data, for 10 years,” the minister told Skai TV.
       Greece is counting on   demand for a decade, Energy Minister Kostas   Even as it accelerates the development
       a drilling campaign   Skrekas said on November 11, as the country  of renewables, Greece views natural gas as
       offshore next year.  pushes to develop more of its oil and gas to bol-  a transition fuel that can help it phase out its
                         ster its energy security.            remaining coal-fired power generation and
                           Greece is among several European countries  says developing gas will not undermine its
                         to announce plans to increase domestic oil and  commitment to the EU goal of cutting emis-
                         gas development, as a means of countering high  sions by 55% by 2030.
                         prices and offset cuts in Russian supply. The   Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis
                         government argues that Greece’s location and  last week announced that seismic surveys would
                         existing investment in infrastructure puts it in  be launched to find potential gas resources at two
                         a perfect position to provide energy supply for  blocks southeast of the coast of Greece’s Pelopon-
                         the rest of Europe as well. Greece has emerged  nese peninsula and the island of Crete. If the seis-
                         as a gas hub in Southeast Europe, hosting part of  mic data warrants it, test drilling could start in
                         the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) that runs from  2025, he said.
                         Azerbaijan, an operational LNG terminal and a   In a similar vein, the new government of Italy
                         second under development, and a newly-com-  has announced plans to double national gas pro-
                         pleted pipeline to Bulgaria.         duction to 6bn cubic metres per year in an effort
                           Mediterranean-focused Energean is so far  to further cut the use of Russian gas.
                         Greece’s only oil producer. It announced it would   “One of our goals is to develop a plan that will
                         carry out test drilling in 2023 at an onshore block  make us as quickly as possible less dependent
                         in the north-western area of Ioannina. This  and will then turn us into the energy hub of the
                         marks the first drilling to take place in the coun-  Mediterranean,” Italian Industry Minister Ado-
                         try in 2022 years. A 2D seismic survey was shot  lfo Urso said in an interview in late October.
                         at the site in 2019.                   The plan will involve authorising new off-
                           Surveys show a 15% probability in drill-  shore drilling in the Adriatic Sea.
                         ing terms of a significant deposit being made,   Italy had imposed a moratorium on offshore
                         Skrekas said.                        drilling only three years ago, and extended the
                           “The Ioannina deposit could cover the  ban in autumn 2021. ™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   14•November•2022
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