Page 16 - EurOil Week 45 2022
P. 16

EurOil                                 PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            EurOil

       OMV weighs up options for

       Norwegian find

        AUSTRIA          AUSTRIA’S OMV is assessing options for a  not encountered.
                         gas-condensate discovery in the Norwegian   The Ness formation is dry, with traces of
      Prelimary estimates   North Sea after drilling two exploration wells.  petroleum.
      place the size of the   Preliminary estimates place the size of the   Appraisal well 30/5-4 A was drilled to ver-
      find at 9.44-40.9mn   find at 9.44-40.9mn barrels of recoverable oil  tical and measured depths of 4,726 and 4,946
      barrels of oil equivalent.  equivalent.                 metres subsea respectively. It was terminated
                           Exploration wells 30/5-4 S and 30/5-4 A were  in the Middle Jurassic in the Tarbert formation.
                         the first to be drilled in production licence 1110,  The objective was to test the Tarbert formation.
                         about 10 km north-west of the Oseberg field and  The well encountered a gas-condensate column
                         150 km north-west of Bergen in 95 metres of  of about 90 metres there. A total of 150 metres of
                         water.                               the formation was drilled, with sandstone layers
                           Well 30/5-4 S was drilled to a vertical depth  totalling 90 metres with poor reservoir quality.
                         of 5,003 metres below sea level, finishing in the  Gas-water contact was not encountered.
                         Middle Jurassic in the Ness formation. Its pri-  Extensive data acquisition and sampling have
                         mary target was to prove petroleum in Middle  been conducted in the wells, including a suc-
                         Jurassic reservoir rocks in the Tarbert formation  cessful formation test in the Tarbert formation
                         (the Brent group). The secondary target was to  in 30/5-4 A. The average production rate from
                         prove petroleum in Middle Jurassic reservoir  the test was about 60,000 cubic metres per day
                         rocks in the Ness formation (the Brent group).  of gas and 45 cubic metres per day of condensate
                           The well encountered a gas-condensate col-  through a 10/64-inch choke.
                         umn of about 100 metres in the Tarbert forma-  The wells will be permanently plugged.
                         tion, which has a total thickness of 200 metres,   OMV operates production licence 1100 with
                         and sandstone layers totalling 96 metres, with  a 40% interest, while Source Energy, Wintershall
                         poor reservoir quality. Gas-water contact was  Dea and Longboat Energy each have 20%. ™

       OMV Petrom reportedly shows

       interest in Midia offshore project

        ROMANIA          OMV Petrom, the biggest oil and gas company  this week quoting sources familiar with the
                         in Romania, is reportedly interested in the Midia  procedures.
       OMV Petrom is also   Natural Gas Development (MGD) project, the   The Supreme Council of National Defence
       involved in the Neptun   only new offshore gas exploitation in the Black  (CSAT) would need to clear the deal.
       Deep project.     Sea that is furthermore reportedly open to stra- speculated that the Romanian
                         tegic investors, according to  authorities — whose permission is needed
                           The MGD shallow water project has already  for the transfer of MGD from one inves-
                         reached the production stage (1bn cubic metres  tor to another, in part or in full — could be
                         per year) and it is not far from OMV Petrom’s  interested in bringing the project under the
                         Neptun Deep project.                 ownership of a local company (OMV Petrom
                           MGD’s shareholders, the Carlyle investment  or Romgaz). Romgaz has already increased
                         fund (70%) and the European Bank for Recon-  its leverage for taking over the 50% stake in
                         struction and Development (EBRD) are report-  the Neptun Deep project from ExxonMobil,
                         edly preparing a “data room” in an attempt to  while OMV Petrom, in contrast, has accu-
                         bring in strategic investors as partners or buy-  mulated a large pile of cash after its record
                         ers for the project, reported earlier  profits this year. ™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   14•November•2022
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