Page 14 - EurOil Week 45 2022
P. 14

EurOil                                            POLICY                                               EurOil

       Romania tweaks gas, power

       market regulation

        ROMANIA          ROMANIA’S government adjusted its energy   Energy Minister Virgil Popsesu added that
                         support scheme for households, small businesses  new power investment projects would be exempt
       Partial regulation will   and industry on November 11, introducing the  from taking part in the mechanism.
       remain until March   partial regulation of its power market until   “Only production capacity already in opera-
       2025.             March 2025, to avoid supply shortages.  tion before the decree will take part, we are giv-
                           Like many other EU member states, Romania  ing a clear signal that new investment will not
                         has kept in place caps on gas and power bills for  be trapped in the system,” he said. “For 2023, we
                         consumers to shield them from soaring whole-  estimate about a third of the energy market will
                         sale prices. Bucharest introduced these caps  be in the system. We are talking about an acquisi-
                         for households, small businesses and public  tion price which will allow us to keep the current
                         institutions in November last year up to certain  [compensated] prices.”
                         monthly consumption levels, while compensat-  If energy suppliers do not comply, they could
                         ing suppliers for the difference. It has adjusted  be hit with fines equal to up to 5% of their annual
                         the scheme several times over this year, reducing  turnover, according to the decree. A capped price
                         the compensated consumption levels to encour-  of RON1.3 per kWh has also been introduced for
                         age less use, extending its duration and enforcing  large industrial consumers.
                         windfall taxes on suppliers making excess profits   To enter into force, the decree must first be
                         to pay for it.                       cleared by Romania’s parliament.
                           To ensure there is enough gas and power   Romania is also selling power at a capped
                         supply available, the government provided a  price to crisis-struck Moldova under excep-
                         centralised energy acquisition mechanism via  tional circumstances triggered by the Ukrainian
                         emergency decree on November 17, requiring  conflict. There are fears that Moldova does not
                         power producers to sell their supply at a regu-  have enough gas to get through this winter as a
                         lated price of RON450 ($95) per MWh from  result of cuts in supply from Russia, which covers
                         January next year.                   almost all of its demand. This has also meant that
                           “This decree ensures we can protect our  there is less gas available for a major power sta-
                         population and ensure the competitiveness of  tion in the breakaway Transnistria state, which
                         Romanian products,” Prime Minister Nicolae  typically accounts for two thirds of the entire
                         Ciuca said.                          country’s electricity consumption. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   14•November•2022
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