Page 17 - EurOil Week 45 2022
P. 17

EurOil                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                             EurOil

       Slovenia to sign deal to                                                 2.600 meters depth, is suitable for safe and
                                                                                permanent CO2 storage.
       purchase natural gas from            Carlyle, EBRD reportedly seek       Carbon Injection Well in Norway
                                                                                  Transocean’s Offshore Drilling Rig to Drill
       Algeria                              strategic partner for Romanian      the successful conclusion of the drilling
                                                                                  “Northern Lights can now announce
       Slovenia will sign a natural gas purchase   offshore gas project         operations that commenced in August 2022
       agreement with Algeria next week, news                                   with a CO2 injection well as a sidetrack to
       agency STA cited Prime Minister Robert   The shareholders of Black Sea Oil&GAS   the initial exploration well. In addition, a
       Golob as saying on November 8.       (BSOG) – which has already started   new contingent CO2 injection well has been
         Slovenian ex-infrastructure minister Jernej   producing natural gas in Romania’s offshore   drilled,” the company said.
       Vrtovec announced in March that Slovenia   area – are reportedly seeking a strategic   Børre Jacobsen, Managing Director at
       planned to import natural gas from north   partner to join or even take over the project,   Northern Lights said: “We are pleased to
       African countries, like Algeria and Morocco,   according to   announce that the preliminary results from
       via Italy to reduce its dependence on Russian   It is not immediately clear whether the two   the drilling operations have confirmed a
       gas following the war in Ukraine     partners seek to entirely dispose of one or   reservoir storage capacity sufficient for phase
         The deal will be signed during a visit by   both of their stakes, or if an additional partner   1 and 2 of Northern Lights’ project, with
       the foreign and infrastructure ministers to   is needed.                 at least 5 million tonnes CO2 per annum.
       Algiers.                               Carlyle investment fund – which owns   To utilize this capacity, we will need to drill
         “The agreement has been finalised and   70% of BSOG – and the European Bank for   additional injection wells. The completion of
       initialled,” Golob was cited as saying.  Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)   these first drilling operations is an important
                                            have asked Romania’s authorities, most   step in the right direction”
                                            likely the national mineral resources agency   The wells have been drilled using
       Turkey has started paying for        (NAMR), the energy market regulator and   Transocean’s semi-submersible drilling
                                                                                rig Transocean Enabler. Operations were
                                            ANRE and possibly the finance ministry, to
       some Russian gas in rubles           create a “data room” for their Midia Natural   managed by Equinor on behalf of Northern
                                            Gas Development (MGD) project,
                                                                                Lights JV as operator.
       says energy minister                 reported.                           by Equinor, Shell, and TotalEnergies. The
                                                                                  Northern Lights is a joint venture created
                                              The project is designed to generate 1bn
       Turkey has commenced paying for some   cubic metres of gas per year.     project is designed to mitigate emissions and
       its natural gas from Russia in rubles,   While avoiding disclosing the nature   remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
       Turkish Energy Minister Fatih Donmez told   of the deal envisaged — a partnership or a   by creating the first cross-border, open-
       broadcaster TRT Haber on November 8.  sale — the shareholders reportedly asked   source carbon dioxide transport and storage
         The share of local currency payments in   their business partners, Engie and Transgaz,   infrastructure network in Europe.
       energy trade with Russia would increase in   to allow third parties controlled access to
       coming months, he added. Most international   otherwise confidential documents such as
       energy deals are settled in dollars or euros.  bilateral contracts.      Finder farms out North Sea
         Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is   BSOG’s shareholders are the Carlyle Group
       seen as already campaigning for a re-election   and the EBRD. The Carlyle Group, through its   interests
       bid, with national polls due next June. But   Carlyle International Energy Partners (CIEP)
       his efforts are hampered by a crisis-ridden,   fund, acquired the company in August 2015,   The Australian oil and gas company Finder
       fragile economy short on FX reserves. Russian   and the EBRD became a minority shareholder   has entered into three farm-out transactions
       counterpart Vladimir Putin is regarded as   in November 2017.            to assign to Dana Petroleum interests in three
       keen on seeing fellow strongman Erdogan re-                              offshore blocks in the central North Sea in the
       elected. As well as accepting gas bill payments                          UK.
       in rubles, Putin could meet Turkey’s request   Drilling finished at Northern   Dana Petroleum will acquire a 40% interest
       for a discount on delivered gas and delays on                            in each of P2527, P2528, and P2530. Finder
       gas debt payments.                   Lights CO2 storage project off      will retain a 60% interest and operatorship in
         Putin, meanwhile, has proposed forming                                 each of the licenses.
       a Russian natural gas hub in Turkey. Donmez   Norway                       “Finder’s retaining a 60% interest allows
       told TRT Haber that Ankara would put                                     for secondary farm-outs to secure funding for
       forward a roadmap towards achieving the   Drilling operations have been completed at   wells whilst still retaining meaningful levels of
       hub by the end of this year and might hold a   the Northern Lights project in the Norwegian   participation in any discovery,” Finder said.
       conference for suppliers and buyers.  part of the North Sea for a CO2 injection well   Damon Neaves, Finder CEO said: “Dana
         The Russian leader has said gas prices   and a contingent injection well within CO2   Petroleum’s like-minded exploration strategy,
       could be set at the hub rather than in Russia.   storage license EL001.  development, and production capabilities,
       However, to make the hub work, it would   Northern Lights partners said Thursday   as well as ownership of proximal North Sea
       be necessary to persuade some European   that preliminary results confirmed the storage   infrastructure, makes them a partner of choice
       countries to take deliveries of Russian gas via   capacity of at least 5 million tonnes CO2 per   for Finder and demonstrates the significant
       the Turkish facility—and the European Union,  annum.                     potential for further value-accretive deals
       previously reliant on Russia for around 40%   The wells are located in the North Sea   from our ILX strategy. We are very pleased
       of its gas needs, is attempting to wean itself off   approximately 70 kilometers west of Bergen,   to build on our existing partnership with
       Russian energy entirely following Moscow’s   Norway, within the EL001 license that was   Dana. These three deals represent a significant
       invasion of Ukraine in February.     awarded to Northern Lights in January 2019.   expansion of our mutual aspirations in the
         Putin has said he believes some European   In 2020, Northern Lights drilled the first   North Sea, with a focus on prospectivity
       countries could be convinced to sign   CO2 exploration well that confirmed that   around the giant Buzzard Oil Field.
       contracts.                           the reservoir in the Johansen formation, at

       Week 45   14•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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