Page 13 - EurOil Week 45 2022
P. 13

EurOil                                           POLICY                                               EurOil

       Aker BP says price floors needed

       for new long-term supply deals

        NORWAY           THE chair of Norwegian hydrocarbon producer  introduction of a cap on the price of gas entering
                         Aker BP has said that European natural gas buy-  the bloc. But despite countless meetings between
       The EU is pressuring   ers must pay a price floor if they want to secure  ministers, member states have not been able to
       suppliers to lower their   long-term supply contracts that avoid soaring  agree on what form the price cap would take.
       prices.           prices seen this year.               Norway is now Europe’s biggest gas producer
                           Norwegian producers sell much of their gas  following cuts in Russian supply, and therefore
                         either directly on the spot markets or under con-  the outcome of negotiations with Oslo will also
                         tracts linked to hub rates, which has resulted in  be critical for the plan to work.
                         them booking record earnings this year on the   Eriksen previously warned that a price cap
                         back of the energy supply crunch. However, EU  would mean reduced supply and higher demand,
                         authorities and customers are pushing for new  as it would disincentive suppliers to provide
                         deals that provide them lower price guarantees  more volumes and could encourage users to con-
                         over a longer period.                sume more. This is a sentiment shared by some
                           Aker BP wants to see a “price floor” intro-  member states including Germany.
                         duced as a condition for entering into these new   Meanwhile, Russia has threatened to cut off
                         long-term contracts that would also limit the  gas supply completely if a cap is imposed on its
                         price upside, Oeyvind Eriksen, the company’s  output.
                         board chair, told Reuters.             Striking long-term commercial contracts
                           “The buyers want a price ceiling, but not a  would need EU government support, Eriksen
                         floor. Selling the upside without any downside  said, as no private counterparty is currently pre-
                         protection is not an attractive instrument,” he  pared to agree to long-term prices for gas.
                         said. “As producers, we are interested in as long   Norway’s Equinor, which accounts for 70%
                         contracts as possible, as long as we get a fair value  of Norway’s gas supply, has warned that buyers
                         with a robust return over time.”     in Europe must be ready to pay for high prices
                           The EU has been discussing for months the  for years to come to avoid shortages in supply. ™

       Week 45   14•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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