Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 22 2022
P. 12

NorthAmOil                    NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                     NorthAmOil

       NewsBase’s Roundup Global (NRG)

        GLOBAL           WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  completed its withdrawal from Russia, the com-
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  pany announced on May 25, after transferring its
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  shares in all joint ventures to state-owned Ros-
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  neft. The transfers draw a line under Equinor’s
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new  three decades of working in Russia. Equinor
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline link  announced it was leaving the country on Febru-
                         for each section the full text will be available as  ary 28, four days after Moscow began its invasion
                         before.                              of Ukraine.

                         AfrOil: Eni confirms withdrawal from South  GLNG: Golar LNG: Hilli Episeyo FLNG
                         Africa                               boosts production capacity to 1.4mn tpy
                         Italy’s Eni has effectively confirmed its with-  Bermuda-registered Golar LNG reports that
                         drawal from South Africa, where it had been  the Hilli Episeyo, its floating LNG vessel oper-
                         preparing to look for oil and gas off the coast of  ating offshore Cameroon, has successfully
                         KwaZulu-Natal. The company has been working  raised production levels to the equivalent of
                         with Sasol, a South African company, to explore  1.4mn tonnes per year. Golar LNG said in a
                         an offshore block known as Exploration Right  statement on May 26 that the FLNG had suc-
                         236 (ER 236) since 2014.             ceeded in bringing output up from the equiva-
                                                              lent of 1.2mn tpy.
                         AsianOil: Shell takes FID on Crux project
                         offshore Australia                   LatAmOil: Guyana renews Liza-1 environ-
                         Shell Australia announced on May 30 that it  mental permit
                         had taken a final investment decision (FID) on  Guyana’s Environmental Protection Agency
                         the Crux natural gas project offshore Western  (EPA) said on May 31 that it had renewed the
                         Australia. Development of Crux is aimed at pro-  environmental permit issued to US super-major
                         viding additional feedstock gas to the Prelude  ExxonMobil for the Liza-1 development project.
                         floating LNG (FLNG) facility, which has been  In an official statement, the EPA reported that it
                         online since 2019, aside from some unplanned  had renewed the permit for a period of five years,
                         outages.                             in line with the relevant legislation.

                         DMEA:  PlasChem  receives  Sadara  feed-  MEOG: Contract awards continue
                         stock                                This week in MEOG we look at the award of
                         Saudi Arabia’s Sadara Chemical Co. announced  more contracts as upstream momentum con-
                         that its dedicated pipeline network has begun  tinues. Japan’s JGC Corp. announced that it has
                         supplying feedstock to tenants in the adjacent  been awarded a contract by Saudi Aramco to
                         PlasChem Park in Jubail Industrial City II. The  oversee the engineering, procurement and con-
                         EO/PO pipeline system was formally launched  struction of facilities to support the expansion of
                         this week following its completion in September  the Zuluf oilfield. Meanwhile, BP has extended
                         2021.                                a contract to local firm Abraj Energy Services
                                                              for land rig services in its Block 61 concession
                         EurOil: UK mulls reopening Rough gas fa-  in Oman.
                         The UK government is negotiating with energy  NorthAmOil: Suncor, Cenovus restart West
                         group Centrica on reopening the Rough gas  White Rose offshore project
                         storage facility, in a move to bolster its energy  Canadian producers Suncor Energy and Ceno-
                         security, the BBC reported on May 30. Rough  vus Energy have decided to restart development
                         was closed down in 2017 after Centrica’s plea  of the West White Rose project, an extension
                         for subsidies to keep it open was rejected by the  of the existing White Rose field. Work on West
                         then-government of Prime Minister Theresa  White Rose was suspended in March 2020 amid
                         May.                                 the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

                         FSUOGM: Equinor completes Russian exit  See the archive and sign up to receive NRG Editor’s
                         Norwegian oil and gas producer Equinor has  Picks for free by email each week here.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 22   02•June•2022
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