Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 22 2022
P. 8

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Suncor, Cenovus restart West

       White Rose offshore project

        NEWFOUNDLAND     CANADIAN producers Suncor Energy and  West White Rose project from 26.1% to 38.6%.
        AND LABRADOR     Cenovus Energy have decided to restart develop-  Suncor said in a statement that the adjust-
                         ment of the West White Rose project, an exten-  ment in ownership shares had been made in
                         sion of the existing White Rose field. Work on  exchange for a CAD50mn ($39.8mn) payment
                         West White Rose was suspended in March 2020  from Cenovus.
                         amid the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19).  Additionally, the two companies have
                           The project’s fate was subsequently uncertain  amended their agreement with the province of
                         for some time, amid low oil prices and reduced  Newfoundland and Labrador over how royalty
                         appetite for development of major new projects.  payments from West White Rose would be struc-
       Construction on   In addition, Cenovus’ entry into the project  tured. The amended royalty structure is aimed at
       infrastructure for   came via its acquisition of Husky Energy and the  safeguarding the project’s economics in periods
       West White Rose was   company said it was weighing its options for the  of low commodity prices.
       suspended in 2020.  project, leading to concerns that it might never   West White Rose is now due to enter produc-
                         be revived.                          tion in the first half of 2026, with output antici-
                           However, market conditions have changed  pated to peak at roughly 80,000 barrels per day
                         considerably since the early days of the pan-  (bpd) by the end of 2029. It is anticipated to add
                         demic. West White Rose’s prospects were  around 14 years of production to the White Rose
                         already thought to be improving in September  field.
                         2021, when the two companies agreed on a pre-  The project will use a fixed drilling plat-
                         liminary basis that Suncor’s stake in the project  form consisting of a concrete gravity struc-
                         would increase. This adjustment has now been  ture and integrated topsides facilities. Work
                         finalised, with Suncor’s interest in the White  on West White Rose is estimated to be about
                         Rose asset raised from 27.5% to 40.0% and in the  65% complete.™

       Union signs deal with Chevron to

       end strike at California refinery

        CALIFORNIA       CHEVRON has reached a deal with striking  among union members over the rising costs for
                         union workers at its Richmond, California refin-  their share of healthcare. The Local 12-5 union
                         ery, ending a 10-week strike after workers voted  had sought a 5% increase in pay on top of the
                         by a narrow margin on May 28 to ratify the latest  pay hike in the national agreement in order to
                         contract offer.                      cover the difference. Chevron did not offer Local
                           About 500 workers represented by United  12-5 the pay rise before the strike and it was not
                         Steelworkers (USW) Local 12-5 union had  included in the ratified contract.
                         begun the strike on March 21 in a dispute   The union had also been seeking increased
                         demanding that pay match the increasing cost  staffing to cut down on overtime.
                         of healthcare over the last few years in the San   On May 13, the USW filed charges against
                         Francisco Bay area, where the refinery is located.  Chevron, with the US National Labor Relations
                           As part of the agreement Chevron said the  Board alleging that the super-major had changed
                         striking workers would return to work in the  the terms of employment, engaged in coercive
                         coming weeks. Prior to reaching a tentative  actions, including surveillance, and refused to
                         agreement on May 26 to end the strike and put  negotiate with the union.
                         the new contract offer to a vote, at least 60 work-  The 245,271 barrel per day (bpd) refinery was
                         ers had crossed the picket line and returned to  kept in operation throughout the 10-week strike
                         work at the refinery.                by managers, supervisors and workers who
                           The ratified contract contains the terms of  crossed the picket line.
                         the national agreement reached between refin-  The plant,  which  has  more  than  1,000
                         ery owners and USW International negotiators  employees, has been refining oil for 120 years
                         in February, which includes a 12% pay hike over  and produces about 20% of northern Califor-
                         four years.                          nia’s gasoline. The plant also produces diesel and
                           The strike began as frustration had mounted  jet fuel.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 22   02•June•2022
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