Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 22 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            while continuing to develop and grow our   Gallup reserve base following the success of
                                           international portfolio with the goal of   our 2021 horizontal drilling programme,” said
       Vermilion Energy                    maximising free cash flow for shareholders   Jay Paul. “Our operating and development
                                           over the near and long-term. We look forward
                                                                                track record, basin-leading ESG programmes,
       announces closing of the            to integrating the Mica assets into our   and financial and strategic support provided
                                           portfolio, and our experienced team has the
                                                                                by North Hudson, place LOGOS in an
       acquisition of Leucrotta            operating, technical and financial capability   excellent position to execute on the next phase
                                                                                of value creation.”
                                           to deliver synergies and maximise the value
       Exploration                         of this fully delineated, multi-decade free cash   opportunity to work with Jay Paul and the
                                                                                  “We are very pleased to have the
                                           flow generating asset.
       Vermilion Energy is pleased to announce   VERMILION ENERGY, May 31, 2022  LOGOS team” added Mark Bisso, managing
       that we have closed the acquisition of                                   partner of North Hudson. “LOGOS presents a
       Leucrotta Exploration pursuant to the terms   North Hudson Resource      significant opportunity for our investors given
       of the previously announced arrangement                                  the company’s strong management team,
       agreement dated March 28, 2022, as amended,   Partners acquires LOGOS    significant and stable production base, and
       among Vermilion, Leucrotta and Coelacanth                                expansive undeveloped resource base.”
       Energy.                             Resources                            NORTH HUDSON RESOURCE PARTNERS, June
         The primary asset acquired pursuant                                    02, 2022
       to the Leucrotta acquisition is the Mica   North Hudson Resource Partners and its
       property, comprised of 81,000 gross (77,000   affiliated funds, in partnership with the
       net) contiguous acres of Montney mineral   management team of LOGOS Resources   MIDSTREAM
       rights in the Peace River Arch straddling the   II, announced that it has acquired LOGOS
       Alberta and British Columbia borders. We   from affiliates of ArcLight Capital Partners   Magellan Midstream
       have conservatively identified 275 multi-  for approximately $402mn. LOGOS’ assets
       zone, extended reach, drilling prospects to   include over 230,000 net acres in the San Juan   to close independent
       date, representing an expected two decades   Basin, current net production of 106 MMcfe
       or more of low-risk, self-funding, high-  per day, and an extensive inventory of drilling   terminals sale to Buckeye
       deliverability drilling inventory with strong   locations in the core of the prolific Mancos
       rates of return. Over the past two months   shale and Gallup oil play. LOGOS recently   Partners on June 8
       since time of deal announcement, North   commenced its 2022 drilling programme
       American gas prices have strengthened, as   and anticipates increasing net production to   Magellan Midstream Partners and Buckeye
       illustrated by the 35% increase to 2023 AECO   approximately 130 MMcfe per day by year   Partners announced today that the required
       strip further reinforcing the profitability of the   end.                regulatory approval process for the sale of
       Mica property. We believe there is meaningful   LOGOS will continue to be led by its   Magellan’s independent terminals to Buckeye
       upside in other zones, which could add   existing management team, including its   is nearing its conclusion, with the transaction
       significant inventory to this land base and   CEO Jay Paul McWilliams. Management   expected to close on or around June 8.
       the optionality for cube development. The   is comprised of San Juan Basin veterans,   As announced in June 2021, Magellan
       multi-zone development nature of these   collectively bringing more than 100 years of   agreed to sell its independent terminals
       assets is a natural extension of the multi-zone   regional drilling and operating experience   network comprised of 26 refined petroleum
       development that our Canadian business   as well as an extensive track record of   products terminals with approximately 6mn
       unit has been focused on in West Central   community interaction and environmental   barrels of storage located primarily in the
       Alberta for over a decade. Integrating these   stewardship.              southeastern US to Buckeye for $435mn. As
       assets into our Canadian asset base allows us   “We are excited to partner with North   previously noted, Magellan intends to use
       to high-grade our North American portfolio   Hudson and will use our new resources to   the proceeds from this transaction consistent
       and is expected to add decades of inventory   accelerate the development of our Mancos and  with its stated capital allocation priorities,
                                                                                including potential equity repurchases.
                                                                                  “Magellan would like to thank all of the
                                                                                employees dedicated to these facilities for
                                                                                their contributions and professionalism
                                                                                throughout the years and during this time of
                                                                                transition, and we wish them much success
                                                                                in the future,” said Aaron Milford, Magellan’s
                                                                                chief executive officer.
                                                                                  Todd Russo, Buckeye’s chief executive
                                                                                officer, added: “These terminals are highly
                                                                                complementary to Buckeye’s existing terminal
                                                                                business and enable us to further strengthen
                                                                                our offering to our valued customers in the
                                                                                southeastern US, and nationally. The team
                                                                                is excited to integrate these assets into our
                                                                                diversified global terminal network, and we
                                                                                welcome our new team members as we begin

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 22   02•June•2022
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