Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 22 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       what will be a seamless transition for all   DOWNSTREAM                  to expect to pay down significant amounts
       customers.”                                                              outstanding under our credit facility for
       MAGELLAN MIDSTREAM PARTNERS AND     Shell completes acquisition          the remainder of 2022. With the extension
       BUCKEYE PARTNERS, June 02, 2022                                          of the tenor of our credit facility, we have
                                                                                no debt maturities until 2027, providing
       Delek Logistics Partners            of Landmark fuel and                 Earthstone with continued financial flexibility
                                           convenience network
                                                                                as we continue to pursue consolidation
       announces closing of                Shell Retail and Convenience Operations, a   opportunities in the Permian Basin.”
                                                                                EARTHSTONE ENERGY, June 02, 2022
       acquisition from 3Bear              wholly owned subsidiary of Shell Oil Products   Veteran Renewable Natural
                                           US, has completed the acquisition of certain
       Energy                              company-owned fuel and convenience retail
                                           sites from the Landmark group of companies.
       Delek Logistics Partners announced today   The acquisition also includes supply   Gas Management Team
       the closing of the previously announced   agreements for the independently operated   Forms Viridi Energy with
       acquisition of 3Bear Delaware Holding – NM,   fuel and convenience sites.
       an indirect subsidiary of 3Bear Energy. The   Building on the strength of its existing   Equity Commitment from
       3Bear operations include crude oil and gas   networks, this acquisition brings Shell closer
       gathering, processing and transportation   to its customers and enhances Shell’s market   Warburg Pincus
       businesses, as well as water disposal and   presence by growing its mobility footprint in
       recycling operations in the Delaware Basin   a key region in the US, which is one of the   Viridi Energy, a full-service renewable natural
       in New Mexico. Total cash consideration   largest fuels and convenience retail markets in   gas (RNG) platform, today announced
       is $624.7mn (excluding customary closing   the world.                    an approximately $320mn line of equity
       adjustments) and the acquisition is expected   With this acquisition, Shell is advancing its   commitment led by Warburg Pincus, a leading
       to result in an investment multiple of   Powering Progress strategy in three ways: by   global growth investor. The investment will
       approximately 6.25 times preliminary   growing its retail footprint in a core market,   allow Viridi to build a leading energy platform
       forecasted 2023 EBITDA. The transaction is   by providing opportunities to offer customers   of scale focused on developing RNG sourced
       being funded with cash and debt financing.  expanded fuelling options (including electric   from landfill, dairy, and food waste feedstocks.
         3Bear has built a premier crude, gas and   vehicle charging, hydrogen, biofuels and   Viridi is led by chief executive officer
       water gathering, processing and disposal   lower-carbon premium fuels) and by allowing   Andy Kelleher, who brings to the company
       business in the Northern Delaware Basin.   for the growth of non-fuel sales through an   a deep experience founding and leading
       3Bear’s assets are anchored by ~350,000   enhanced convenience offering.  companies in energy and environmental
       dedicated acres and long-term fixed   SHELL, June 01, 2022               commodities, and also serves as managing
       fee contracts. The asset base includes                                   partner at Green Rock Energy Partners.
       approximately 485 miles of pipelines, 88mn                               In addition to Mr. Kelleher, the founding
       cubic feet per day of cryogenic natural gas   MOVES                      management team includes Chet Benham,
       processing capacity, 120,000 barrels of crude                            Matt Atkins, Jake Crouse, Dana Husnay,
       storage capacity and 200,000 barrels of water   Earthstone Energy        and Bill Keller. Together, the team has over
       disposal capacity. The acquired entity will                              75 years of experience developing and
       be part of a newly formed, wholly owned   announces extension of         operating energy assets and has successfully
       subsidiary of Delek Logistics Partners named                             developed more than 30 projects in the RNG
       “DKL Delaware Gathering Company, LLC”.  revolving credit facility and    space. Management plans to leverage their
         Uzi Yemin, chairman, president and chief                               biogas expertise to develop projects across
       executive officer of Delek Logistics’ general   increased borrowing base  the landfill, dairy, and food waste sectors
       partner stated: “This acquisition substantially                          with a focus on best-in-class operations and
       increases our third-party revenue at DKL,   Earthstone Energy, announced today it   technology.
       per our stated goals, and allows DKL to   entered into an amendment to the company’s   “Viridi has a truly differentiated approach,
       become a more diversified and less sponsor   senior secured revolving credit facility,   with the unique ability to handle all parts of
       dependent entity. Additionally, 3Bear expands   extending the maturity of the credit facility   the RNG value chain, spanning development,
       our product mix to natural gas and water,   to June 2027, increasing the borrowing   operations, financing, and commercial
       which will prove useful to customers within   base from $1.325bn to $1.4bn and reducing   strategy. Our mission is to work closely with
       our legacy Permian gathering business. The   the interest rate for amounts outstanding,   a broad base of stakeholders to develop RNG
       geographic diversification into the Delaware   amongst other things. Elected commitments   that will replace higher emission fuel in a
       Basin provides a broader platform for future   under the credit facility remain at $800mn.   cost-friendly and environmentally effective
       growth and includes some of the most prolific   Robert J. Anderson, Earthstone’s president   way,” said Andy Kelleher, CEO, Viridi Energy.
       acreage in the Permian Basin. Finally, the   and chief executive officer, commented:   Prior to Green Rock Energy Partners, Mr.
       outlook for strong free cash flow should   “Our lending group has been a critical part   Kelleher was the head of US oil trading at
       allow us to rapidly reduce leverage while   of providing funding for the six acquisitions   Glencore and president of supply and trading
       maintaining our 5% distribution growth target  we have consummated in the past year and   at ConocoPhillips.
       for 2022.”                          a half, and we are greatly appreciative of   VIRIDI ENERGY, June 02, 2022
       DELEK LOGISTICS PARTNERS, June 01, 2022  their ongoing support. Our liquidity under
                                           the credit facility is strong and we continue

       Week 22   02•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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