Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 22 2022
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       OPEC+ speeds up production

       uptick amid Russia concerns

        GLOBAL           OPEC and its partners in the OPEC+ group   She added: “We recognise the role of Saudi
                         this week agreed to add more oil to the market  Arabia as the chair of OPEC+ and its largest
                         as concerns about the future of the deal persist.  producer in achieving this consensus amongst
                           On June 2, the group announced that it would  the group members. We also recognise efforts
                         “advance the planned overall production adjust-  and positive contributions of UAE, Kuwait and
                         ment for the month of September and redis-  Iraq.”
                         tribute equally the 432,000 barrel per day [bpd]   Meanwhile, there was little to indicate, as   The new timeline
                         production increase over the months of July and  had been widely suggested, that members were
                         August 2022”.                        considering expelling Russia from the alliance.   for easing
                           In doing so, OPEC+ production quotas will  Ahead of the OPEC+ meeting, Russian For-
                         rise by 648,000 bpd in both July and August,  eign Minister Sergei Lavrov visited Saudi Ara-  production has
                         thereby unwinding the remainder of the 10mn  bia, where both men praised the importance of
                         bpd withheld from the market since April  co-operation, according to his ministry, signal-  been warmly
                         2020. Meanwhile, ministers also agreed to give  ling that the kingdom may not be in favour of   received by the
                         countries that have previously been guilty of  pushing Russia out of the alliance.
                         over-producing their quotas until December to   “They noted the stabilising effect that the   US.
                         compensate for their overproduction.  tight co-operation between Russia and Saudi
                           Meanwhile, the OPEC+ collaboration has  Arabia has on world markets for hydrocarbons
                         been extended from September until the end of  in this strategically important sector,” the minis-
                         the year, giving them time to decide on the sub-  try said in a statement on its website.
                         sequent plan of action.                Saudi Arabia has not commented on the
                           The new timeline for easing production has  matter.
                         been warmly received by the US. Following the   Beijing has not signalled anything of the sort,
                         announcement, White House Press Secretary  and nor have there been any reports of such, but
                         Karine Jean-Pierre said: “The United States  China also has some interest in seeing OPEC+
                         welcomes the important decision from OPEC+  release the oil taps, given that it is, after all, the
                         today to increase supply by more than 200,000  world’s biggest oil importer. However, the Chi-
                         barrels per day in July and August based on new  nese government must balance this with its
                         market conditions.”                  political interest in ensuring stability in Russia.™

       Week 22   02•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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