Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 22 2022
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       US LNG exports remain close to record high

        US               EXPORTS of US LNG remained close to record  Europe, while Asian buyers accounted for 15%
                         highs in May, according to new data. Citing data  of the total. However, there are expectations that
                         from Refinitiv Eikon, Reuters reported on June  European demand could ease as inventories
                         1 that the US exported 7.29mn tonnes of LNG in  are built up and warmer weather arrives on the
                         May, up 5.2% from 6.93mn tonnes in April and  continent.
                         also representing a 12% increase year on year.  “All factors remaining constant – such as no
                           The figure is the second highest on record,  further cuts in Russian gas to Europe – we may
                         behind 7.67mn tonnes exported from the US in  see a rebalance of LNG vessels away from the
                         March. Production of US LNG has risen to new  region, which has become a black hole for LNG
                         highs thanks to additional liquefaction capacity  – drawing in all and every available cargo,” a Rys-
                         starting up, including Venture Global’s Calcasieu  tad Energy analyst, Lu Ming Pang, commented
                         Pass LNG terminal in Louisiana most recently,  in a note last week.
                         earlier this year.                     But the threat of further cuts to Russian gas
                           This comes amid high demand against the  flows to Europe continues to loom. State-owned
                         backdrop of the war in Ukraine as many buyers  Gazprom said on May 31 that it would turn off
                         seek alternatives to Russian gas. Indeed, sales  supply to several “unfriendly” countries that
                         to Europe are reported to have increased, but  have refused to start paying for Russian gas in
                         higher exports to South America illustrate that  rubles.
                         demand is also rising elsewhere in the world.  As this continues to play out, demand for
                           According to Refinitiv Eikon, almost two-  US LNG may not fall after all, despite previous
                         thirds of the cargoes exported in May went to  expectations to the contrary.™


       Biden administration weighs

       oil and gas windfall tax

        US               US President Joe Biden has been reported to be  record profits, which they are primarily using
                         considering congressional proposals for a tax on  to boost returns to shareholders, with smaller
                         oil and gas producers’ profits as he seeks ways to  independents also seeing profits rise. The Biden
                         reduce the burden on consumers struggling with  administration has criticised oil and gas com-
                         high energy prices.                  panies for not using their profits to invest in
                           The National Economic Council’s deputy  additional production that it believes could help
                         director, Bharat Ramamurti, said there were  lower prices.
                         “a variety of interesting proposals and design   The upcoming midterm elections have
                         choices on a windfall profits tax”. His comments  added to pressure on the Biden administration
                         came during a panel discussion sponsored by the  to be seen as doing something to lower gaso-
                         Roosevelt Institute think-tank.      line and energy prices as the Democrat Party’s
                           “We’ve looked carefully at each of them and  control of Congress hangs in the balance. Biden
                         are engaging in conversations with Congress  has already authorised the largest ever release
                         about design,” Ramamurti added. He warned,  from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR)
                         however, that the impact of any windfall tax  in a bid to help lower oil prices. However, they
                         option on supply would need to be evaluated. He  have remained above $115 per barrel for West
                         said that he did not consider this to be an insur-  Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude, even after SPR
                         mountable hurdle, but nonetheless an “impor-  stockpiles have fallen to their lowest level since
                         tant question” during a period of tight supply.  1987.
                           This comes as oil and gas prices have reached   Calls for a windfall tax have not come from
                         multi-year highs, with their rise accelerated by  the US alone. The UK announced a 25% windfall
                         the war in Ukraine. Against this backdrop, inter-  tax on oil and gas producers’ profits in late May,
                         national oil companies (IOCs) have reported  having previously rejected the idea.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 22   02•June•2022
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