Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 09 2021
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                mmcf/d of temporarily shut-in production
                                                                                at the end of the third quarter, and seven
                                                                                new well connections in September, partially
                                                                                offset by modest volume throughput declines
                                                                                in other reportable segments. Throughput
                                                                                volumes for the Ohio Gathering segment
                                                                                increased by 42 mmcf/d, net to Summit, or
                                                                                21.3% over the third quarter of 2020, due to
                                                                                the return of substantially all temporarily
                                                                                shut-in production and higher volumes from
                                                                                15 new wells that were connected late in
                                                                                the third quarter. Quarterly liquids volume
                                                                                throughput increased by 2.9% over the third
                                                                                quarter of 2020, primarily due to eight new
                                                                                wells that were turned in line during the
                                                                                SUMMIT MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, March 04,
       capacity will be determined based upon   idled pump station on its Colorado Springs
       the results of the open season, with service   Pipeline system. This effectively increased   Blueknight closes sale
       anticipated to commence by June 1, 2021.  the pipeline’s transportation capacity by
       BRIDGER PIPELINE AND SEAHORSE PIPELINE,   approximately 6,000 bpd of refined products,   of crude oil terminalling
       March 04, 2021                      including gasoline, diesel and jet fuel into
                                           the Colorado Springs and Denver markets,   business and completes
       NuStar announces pipeline           both of which had lost supply due to a recent   transition to pure-play
                                           refinery closure in Wyoming.
       capacity expansion project          NUSTAR ENERGY, March 03, 2021        infrastructure terminalling

       for Albuquerque Market              Summit Midstream Partners

       NuStar Energy today announced a plan to   reports fourth-quarter 2020    company
       develop incremental pipeline capacity that will                          Blueknight Energy Partners announced today
       allow for the delivery of approximately 6,000   financial and operating   that it has closed its previously-announced
       barrels per day (BPD) of additional refined                              sale of its crude oil terminalling segment to
       products, including gasoline, diesel and jet   results and confirms 2021   Enbridge for a purchase price of $132mn,
       fuel, into the Albuquerque, NM region.                                   subject to customary post-closing adjustments
         NuStar will upgrade pump stations on a   financial guidance            and excluding crude oil linefill and inventory.
       pipeline system it jointly owns with Phillips 66                           Including the previously-announced
       Partners that transports refined products from   Summit Midstream Partners announced today  sale of its crude oil pipeline and trucking
       Amarillo, Texas to Albuquerque. In addition   its financial and operating results for the three   segments, both of which closed in February
       to increasing capacity on the system, the   months ended December 31, 2020, including   2021, Blueknight has successfully completed
       project will install larger and more efficient   net income of $103.0mn, adjusted EBITDA of   an exit of its crude oil business, strategically
       electric pumps and a modern, efficient, diesel-  $61.8mn and DCF of $44.8mn. Net income   positioning the Partnership as a pure-
       driven pump, providing for higher flow while   for the quarter included a $124.1mn gain from  play terminalling company focused on
       reducing emissions by eliminating two diesel-  early extinguishment of debt related to the   infrastructure and transportation end-
       driven pump stations. The project is expected   open market repurchase of senior unsecured   markets.
       to be completed by mid-2022.        notes and the consensual debt discharge and   “Exiting our crude oil businesses has
         “The Albuquerque Pipeline upgrades will   restructuring of a subsidiary’s $155.2mn term   been a top priority for Blueknight since
       help ensure ample refined product supply   loan, partially offset by non-cash charges for   early 2020,” said Andrew Woodward, chief
       for the market which has lost production   a $17.0mn loss contingency and a $5.1mn   executive officer. “Now with a more focused
       due to a recent refinery closure in the state,”   asset impairment related to an $8.0mn sale   strategy and business model, coupled with
       said NuStar President and CEO Brad Barron.   of compressor equipment, which closed in   an improved leverage profile and available
       “Working with Phillips 66 Partners, we are   January 2021.               liquidity, we believe we are well-positioned to
       excited that we can provide this additional   Fourth quarter 2020 operated natural gas   identify and capture growth opportunities and
       capacity for our shippers and the region while   volume throughput averaged 1,436mn cubic   benefit from long-term positive investment
       also achieving the environmental benefits this   feet per day (mmcf/d) and liquids volume   trends in US infrastructure.”
       project provides.”                  throughput averaged 71,000 barrels per day.   Total cash consideration for the combined
         Barron also noted that this project   Operated natural gas volumes increased   crude oil terminalling, pipeline, and trucking
       announcement comes on the heels of another   by 3.2% relative to the third quarter of   transactions was approximately $164mn,
       project in a neighbouring region that resulted   2020, largely due to a volume increase of 91   including estimated crude oil linefill and
       in increased supply for Colorado. In August   mmcf/d in the Utica Shale segment from   inventory and is subject to customary post-
       2020, NuStar completed the reactivation of an   a combination of a customer returning 22   closing adjustments. Net proceeds, after

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   04•March•2021
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