Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 09 2021
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       transaction costs, will be used initially to   MOVES                     carbon-negative fuel and
       reduce borrowings outstanding under the
       Partnership’s revolving credit facility and for   Phillips 66 names industry  infrastructure
       general partnership purposes.
       BLUEKNIGHT ENERGY PARTNERS, March 01,   leader Mark Lashier              Clean Energy Fuels and its largest shareholder,
       2021                                                                     Total, today announced a 50/50 joint venture
                                           as president and chief               to develop carbon-negative renewable
                                                                                natural gas (RNG) production facilities in
                                           operating officer                    build additional downstream RNG fuelling
       SERVICES                                                                 the United States, as well as credit support to
       Baker Hughes and Akastor            Phillips 66 has named Mark Lashier, president   infrastructure. The initial firm commitment
                                                                                is $100mn and can increase to $400mn as
                                           and CEO of Chevron Phillips Chemical
       announce joint venture              Company, as its president and chief operating   development opportunities progress. Since
                                                                                Clean Energy and Total will be providing the
                                           officer effective April 1.
       company to deliver global           time to join Phillips 66,” said Greg Garland,   equity portion of the investments, the actual
                                              “Mark is the right leader at the right
                                                                                amount of capital invested in RNG projects
       offshore drilling solutions         chairman and CEO of Phillips 66. “He   may be higher than $400mn depending on
                                           assumes his new role at a time when we
                                                                                the amount of leverage that is deployed.
       Baker Hughes and Akastor have announced   are operationally and financially strong yet   In addition, Total will be providing credit
       an agreement to create a joint venture   navigating a dynamic and challenging external  support for Clean Energy development in
       companythat will bring together Baker   environment.”                    the RNG value chain, including $45mn for
       Hughes’ Subsea Drilling Systems (SDS)   Lashier, who has over 30 years of energy   contracted RNG fuelling infrastructure.
       business with Akastor’s wholly owned   industry experience, has served as CPChem’s   Carbon-negative RNG is produced
       subsidiary, MHWirth. The company will   CEO since 2017. He joined the global   when carbon emissions are captured from
       deliver a global full-service offshore drilling   petrochemical joint venture, in which Phillips   dairies and turned into a transportation fuel,
       equipment offering that will provide   66 owns a 50% interest, in 2000. At CPChem   reducing the harmful effects of long-term
       customers with a broad portfolio of products   he has served as executive vice president of   climate change. As a result, the California Air
       and services.                       Olefins and Polyolefins; senior vice president   Resources Board gives these carbon-negative
         The transaction will result in a leading   of Specialties, Aromatics and Styrenics;   RNG projects a weighted average carbon
       equipment provider with integrated delivery   vice president of Corporate Planning and   intensity (CI) score (gCO2e/MJ) of -317
       capabilities, financial strength, and flexibility   Development; and regional manager of Asia.   compared to 100 for diesel and 19 for electric
       to address a full range of customer priorities.   He began his career with Phillips Petroleum   batteries. Clean Energy is the largest provider
       The company will be owned 50-50 by Baker   Company as a research engineer.  of RNG as a transportation fuel in the United
       Hughes and Akastor, and following the closing   Reporting to Garland, Lashier will have   States, and the largest RNG fuel provider
       of the transaction, the company’s operations   responsibility for operational execution   under the California LCFS programme. RNG
       will be managed from current offices in   across all of Phillips 66 businesses – which   can be used directly as a vehicle fuel or can
       Houston, Texas, and Kristiansand, Norway.   include Refining, Midstream, and Marketing   be used as a feedstock to produce “green”
       Merrill A. “Pete” Miller will serve as chairman   & Specialties – and also for the company’s   hydrogen or “green” electricity and still
       and chief executive officer. Miller has been in   health, safety and environmental efforts.   generate LCFS environmental credits.
       the oil and gas industry over 40 years holding   With Lashier’s addition to the Phillips 66   The companies have already partnered
       various leadership roles including chairman,   leadership team, Garland will further focus on   to expand the use of RNG in the heavy-duty
       president and chief executive officer of   the company’s strategic direction, disciplined   truck market with the Zero Now programme,
       National Oilwell Varco.             capital allocation and engagement with key   which allows fleets to purchase RNG trucks
         The company’s broader scope of services   stakeholders on issues facing the energy   for the same price as diesel trucks. The
       will also provide a more solid foundation   industry.                    demand for carbon-negative RNG has
       for future growth, including the capability   PHILLIPS 66, March 01, 2021  rapidly accelerated through the Zero Now
       to participate in the oil and gas industry’s                             programme with trucking companies such
       transition towards more energy-efficient                                 as Kenan Advantage, KeHE Distributors,
       solutions, as well as deploying technologies   ENERGY TRANSITION         Estes Express Lines, Tradelink Transport,
       and service solutions to make the sector                                 among many others, taking advantage of the
       more competitive through increased drilling   Clean Energy and Total sign   economic savings while powering their new
       efficiency.                                                              fleets with the cleanest fuel in the world.
       BAKER HUGHES AND AKASTOR, March 02,   joint venture to develop           CLEAN ENERGY FUELS AND TOTAL, March 04,
       2021                                                                     2021

       Week 09   04•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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