Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 09 2021
P. 10

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Jordan Cove LNG project in doubt

        OREGON           THE future of Pembina Pipeline’s proposed Jor-  Last week, Pembina said it had taken a
                         dan Cove LNG export terminal in Oregon looks  CAD1.6bn ($1.3bn) write-down on investments
                         increasingly in doubt, with the company taking a  in the CKPC petrochemical joint venture, the
                         write-down on its investment in the project.  Ruby pipeline and the Jordan Cove project.
                           Calgary-based Pembina now says it can no   “We believe these opportunities remain in
                         longer predict when the facility may be built,  strategy, make economic sense when de-risked,
                         and is evaluating the path forward for the project.  and are aligned with Pembina’s ESG [envi-
                           The news marks the latest setback for Jordan  ronmental, social and governance] priorities,”
                         Cove, which Pembina acquired via its takeover of  Pembina stated. “We believe the time for these
                         Veresen in 2017. Both Veresen and Pembina have  projects may come; however, we can sadly no
                         struggled with obtaining regulatory approvals  longer predict with certainty when that time
                         for the project. In 2016, the US Federal Energy  will be and hence were compelled to reflect their
                         Regulatory Commission (FERC) rejected Ver-  impairments in our 2020 financial statements
                         esen’s application to build the terminal and the  through a non-cash charge.”
                         gas pipeline that would serve it.      This latest development for Jordan Cove
                           The FERC subsequently approved a revised  comes just as the idea of LNG exports from
                         application for Jordan Cove in 2020, but other  North America’s Pacific Coast is gaining traction.
                         regulatory battles continued, with state regula-  One LNG export terminal is under construction
                         tors in Oregon denying several permits that are  in Mexico, with two more proposed, and the
                         necessary for the project to proceed. In what was  LNG Canada mega-project is being built in Brit-
                         described as a potentially fatal blow to the pro-  ish Columbia. Bottlenecks in the Panama Canal
                         ject, in February 2021, federal authorities upheld  over the winter may have bolstered the case for
                         the State of Oregon’s finding that the project was  exporting LNG from the Pacific Coast as well.
                         not consistent with its coastal zone management   However, in Jordan Cove’s case, local oppo-
                         plans. Pembina had appealed against the state’s  sition and regulatory obstacles look more likely
                         finding to the US Department of Commerce.  than ever to kill off the project.™

                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       Chevron invests in energy

       transition initiatives

        US               SUPER-MAJOR Chevron announced a series  $40mn funding round held by the latter.
                         of moves related to the energy transition over   Most recently, Chevron announced this week
                         the past week. On February 25 it launched the  that it was partnering with Schlumberger New
                         Future Energy Fund II, worth $300mn, via its  Energy, Microsoft and Clean Energy Systems
                         Chevron Technology Ventures (CTV) business.  to develop a bioenergy with carbon capture and
                         The fund will focus on low-carbon technology  sequestration (BECCS) project. The project,
                         investments, building on the first Future Energy  which Chevron described as “ground-breaking”
                         Fund, which was launched in 2018.    in its March 4 statement, is designed to produce
                           The first fund was used to invest in more than  carbon-negative power in Mendota, California.
                         10 companies with over 150 other investors to   The BECCS plant will convert agricultural
                         support innovations in carbon capture, emerg-  waste biomass into a renewable synthesis gas
                         ing mobility and energy storage.     that will be mixed with oxygen in a combustor
                           On February 28, Chevron made a separate  to generate electricity. More than 99% of the car-
                         announcement that it was investing in Base-  bon dioxide (CO2) from the BECCS process is
                         load Capital, a Sweden-based private invest-  expected to be captured for permanent storage,
                         ment company focused on development and  Chevron said.
                         operation of low-temperature geothermal and   The moves come as major oil and gas players
                         heat power assets. The investment is aimed at  increasingly attempt to invest more in low-car-
                         expanding the super-major’s capacity to gain  bon or renewable businesses in an effort to clean
                         insight into geothermal innovations such as  up their public image and complement their
                         low-temperature power generation and closed-  traditional operations with green initiatives.
                         loop geothermal technologies.        US-based super-majors Chevron and Exxon-
                           This came after Chevron was one of the com-  Mobil have lagged their European counterparts
                         panies to invest in Canadian geothermal player  in this area, but both are now trying to be seen to
                         Eavor Technlogies earlier in February during a  be doing more.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   04•March•2021
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