Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 09 2021
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       EOG beats profit estimates for fourth quarter

        US               SHALE producer EOG Resources has reported  output rose by 1% and its gas production grew
                         a net profit of $337mn for the fourth quarter of  by 9%, giving it a total increase of 12% in crude
                         2020, down from a profit of $637mn in the same  oil equivalent terms.
                         quarter of 2019 but up from a loss of $43mn in   For 2021, EOG projects that its crude output
                         the third quarter of 2020. The result illustrates  will be 434,000-446,000 bpd, roughly flat year on
                         how market conditions have improved for the  year. This forms part of a broader trend among
                         shale industry, but have not yet returned to  shale drillers, whereby they are prioritising bal-
                         pre-pandemic levels.                 ance sheet clean-ups ahead of growth.
                           EOG’s adjusted earnings for the fourth quar-  “The 2021 capital plan is consistent with the
                         ter totalled $411mn, or $0.71 per share, beating  strategy we have followed over the last year of
                         analysts’ expectations of $0.35 per share, accord-  not growing production in an oversupplied
                         ing to Refinitiv IBES data cited by Reuters. This  market,” EOG’s CEO, Bill Thomas, said in a
                         was up from $252mn in the third quarter of  statement.
                         2020, but down on $787mn in the fourth quarter   EOG’s capital expenditures are anticipated
                         of 2019. The company attributed the improve-  to rise to $3.7-4.1bn this year, up from $3.5bn
                         ment in its profits compared with the third quar-  in 2020. The company also announced it would
                         ter to cost-cutting efforts and the recent recovery  hike its dividend to $1.65.
                         in crude prices.                       “The increase in the regular dividend
                           Houston-based EOG said its oil production  reflects the significant progress EOG has made
                         had reached 444,800 barrels per day in the fourth  in the past 12 months,” Thomas said. “We have
                         quarter of 2020, above the guidance midpoint of  lowered operating costs and well costs, in turn
                         441,900 bpd and up 18% on the previous quar-  reducing the breakeven oil price needed to
                         ter. The company’s natural gas liquids (NGLs)  maintain our production.”™


       Regulators ban fracking in

       Delaware River watershed

        US NORTHEAST     THE  Delaware River Basin Commission  saying in a resolution that drillers had “adversely
                         (DRBC) voted to permanently ban hydraulic  impacted surface-water and groundwater
                         fracturing last week, asserting that shale gas  resources, including sources of drinking water,
                         development near the waterway, which sup-  and have harmed aquatic life in some regions”.
                         plies drinking water for more than 13mn peo-  Confirmed instances of such pollution from
                         ple, would pose an unacceptable risk. The ban  shale drilling have been rare, but the handful of
                         applies to the entire Delaware River watershed,  cases that have emerged over the past decade has
                         spanning Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey  been enough to cause concern over the impacts
                         and New York.                        of drilling and fracking.
                           There had already been a moratorium on   The Associated Press reported that in prac-
                         fracking in place in the region since 2010, and  tical terms, the ban affects Wayne and Pike
                         the commission voted 4-0 to make it permanent,  counties in Pennsylvania’s north-east. Both
                         with the federal government’s representative  these counties are part of the Marcellus shale,
                         abstaining.                          US’ largest gas field, which has turned the state
                           This representative, from the US Army Corps  into the country’s second-biggest gas producer.
                         of Engineers, said the newly installed adminis-  Nearly 13,000 wells have been drilled across the
                         tration of President Joe Biden was still in tran-  Marcellus to date.
                         sition and had not given a direct order on how   The ban is opposed by certain local land-
                         to vote.                             owners and state-level Republican lawmakers
                           The other members of the DRBC are the gov-  in Pennsylvania. Indeed, they have filed lawsuits
                         ernors of Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey  challenging the DRBC’s right to regulate gas
                         and New York, or their designees.    development in the watershed, and hit out at the
                           The commission cited “significant immediate  commission for enacting a ban while litigation
                         and long-term risks” from shale gas production,  is still pending.™

       Week 09   04•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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