Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 09 2021
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            The offeror will pay for such shares as soon as   at the special meeting held on February
                                           possible and in any event on or before March   25, 2021. In connection with the merger,
       Waterous Energy Fund                4, 2021.                             Tengasco has changed its name to Riley
                                                                                Exploration Permian.
                                           WATEROUS ENERGY FUND, March 02, 2021
       announces successful                Diamondback Energy                   1, the combined company will commence
                                                                                  It is expected that on Monday, March
       take-over bid for Osum Oil          announces closing of                 trading under the symbol REPX on the NYSE
                                                                                American. Concurrently with the Closing,
       Sands, commencement of              acquisition from Guidon              Tengasco conducted a 1-for-12 reverse stock
                                                                                split, resulting in a reduction of outstanding
       mandatory 10-day tender             Operating                            shares of the Combined Company to
                                                                                approximately 17.8mn shares of common
       extension period, and               Diamondback Energy today announced that   stock (after giving effect to both the reverse
                                                                                stock split and the merger).
       voluntary resignation of            it has completed its previously announced   TENGASCO, February 26, 2021
                                           acquisition of leasehold interests and related
       Osum directors and officers         oil and gas assets from Guidon Operating,   IOG Capital announces
                                           a portfolio company of Blackstone Energy
       Waterous Energy Fund (WEF) and its   Partners. Aggregate consideration consisted   acquisition and closing of
       subsidiary WEF Osum Acquisition are   of $375mn in cash and 10.68mn shares of the
       pleased to announce that each of the   Company’s common stock after accounting   Ohio Utica assets
       conditions to the offer dated November 4,   for post-effective date adjustments. As a
       2020, as amended, to acquire up to 57,000,000   result of the acquisition, Diamondback   IOG Capital reported today that, on March
       common shares of Osum Oil Sands at a price   adds approximately 32,500 net acres in the   2, 2021, IOG Resources, one of its affiliated
       of CAD3.00 per share have been satisfied,   Northern Midland Basin, primarily held by   companies, closed on the acquisition of
       including the condition prescribed by   production allowing for capital efficient full   certain producing properties from affiliates
       applicable securities laws that more than 50%   field development.       of Sequel Energy Group for an undisclosed
       of the Osum shares not owned by WEF be   DIAMONDBACK ENERGY, February 26, 2021  amount. The assets consist of non-operated
       tendered to the offer.                                                   working interests in 77 producing horizontal
         A total of 45,747,068 Osum shares were   Tengasco completes merger     wells operated by Southwestern Energy
       deposited and not withdrawn at the initial                               Company and Ascent Resources with net
       expiry time under the Offer, representing   with Riley Exploration –     production of approximately 75 mmcfe/d
       approximately 34% of the issued and                                      (85% gas) as of the January 1, 2021 effective
       outstanding Osum shares.            Permian                              date.
         The offeror has taken up proportionately                               IOG CAPITAL, March 03, 2021
       a total of 34,697,358 Osum shares tendered   Tengasco announced the successful
       to the offer, which is the maximum number   completion (the “Closing”) of its merger with
       of shares the offeror is permitted to take up   Riley Exploration – Permian. The merger was   MIDSTREAM
       at this time under applicable securities laws.   previously approved by Tengasco stockholders
                                                                                Bridger Pipeline and
                                                                                Seahorse Pipeline

                                                                                announce open season for

                                                                                transportation capacity

                                                                                from Williston Basin

                                                                                and Guernsey, Wyo., to
                                                                                Midcontinent and Texas


                                                                                Bridger Pipeline and Seahorse Pipeline,
                                                                                a subsidiary of Tallgrass Energy, today
                                                                                announced an open season for joint tariff
                                                                                transportation service from the Williston
                                                                                Basin and local tariff transportation service
                                                                                from Guernsey, Wyo., to Midcontinent and
                                                                                Texas destinations. Crude oil transportation

       Week 09   04•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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