Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 24 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                Avatar, industry and

                                                                                academic partners launch

                                                                                CarbonTech accelerator

                                                                                Avatar Innovations is excited to announce the
                                                                                launch of its second CarbonTech accelerator,
                                                                                showcasing an 85% increase in the number
                                                                                of breakthrough technologies compared
                                                                                with the 2021 accelerator cohort. This group
                                                                                is comprised of 13 technology projects
                                                                                sponsored by industry, led by 58 emerging
                                                                                leaders employed at 21 different oil and gas
       expand its footprint and enhance the   of the company’s $1bn share repurchase   companies from across Canada and the USA.
       integrated saltwater management solutions it   authorisation. The transaction is expected to   The Avatar 2022 Accelerator represents
       provides to oil and gas producers.  close no later than June 21, 2022.   the energy industry’s firm commitment to
         Since the start of 2022, Goodnight has   Pursuant to a nomination and standstill   shaping the energy transition by supporting
       signed 10 new water management agreements   agreement entered in 2015, the company   emerging technologies and future leaders. The
       as the company continues to grow its network   agreed to give Icahn Enterprises one board   2022 cohort will work through a rigorous 20-
       of water systems to service more customers   seat for as long as it continued to hold at least   week co-development process, supported by
       across key basins, including the Permian,   7,741,412 company common shares. This   UCalgary and SAIT, with the final deliverable
       Bakken and the Eagle Ford shales.   transaction will result in Icahn Enterprises’   being an investable energy transition
         “We are very pleased with our strong   holdings in the company to be under this   technology that will play a role in helping the
       commercial momentum underscored by the   threshold and the remaining director   industry achieve its net-zero targets.
       10 new water management agreements in just   designee, Andrew Teno, will resign from   As stated in the International Energy
       the first half of this year,” said Ben Daitch,   the board of directors within two business   Agency’s Net Zero by 2050 analysis, half
       CFO of Goodnight Midstream. “Placing these   days following the closing of the purchase   the technology required to reach net-zero
       Senior Notes and securing a new credit facility   agreement.             emissions does not yet exist – and more than
       is a testament to the strength of our business   “Today’s $350mn repurchase reflects   CAD4 trillion annually needs to be invested
       and provides us with additional long-term   efficient execution on our long-term   to new energy technologies. Through this
       flexibility to pursue our growth initiatives. We   capital allocation plan and underscores our   ground-breaking co-development model,
       look forward to continuing to enhance the   conviction in Cheniere’s industry-leading   where the ideas for technologies and processes
       compelling value we provide to our producing   LNG platform at a time when environmental   come from within the industry, the energy
       customers as they look to expand their   priorities and energy security have natural   sector will build the solutions capable of
       production in an environment of increased   gas as a key focus globally,” said Jack Fusco,   reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.
       demand for US crude oil. We are appreciative   Cheniere’s president and chief executive   AVATAR INNOVATIONS, June 10, 2022
       of our lending partners for their support and   officer. “We appreciate Carl Icahn and his
       loyalty.”                           board representatives for their support   Apex, Nevada site acquired
       GOODNIGHT MIDSTREAM, June 13, 2022  of Cheniere over these last almost seven
                                           years as we have become the world’s second   for largest Western US
                                           largest LNG operator. They have provided
       MOVES                               guidance and insight which has meaningfully   renewable diesel refinery
                                           contributed to Cheniere’s growth and strategy
       Cheniere announces                  over that time.”                     Vegas Renewable Diesel (VRD) announces
                                                                                acquisition of a prime site near Las Vegas for
                                              “Our investment in Cheniere is a shining
       $350mn repurchase                   example of IEP’s activism efforts. We were   the largest renewable diesel refinery to be built
                                                                                in the Western United States. Permitting is
                                           instrumental in hiring CEO Jack Fusco, who
       of shares from Icahn                has assembled a great team and unlocked   presently under way. Capacity is targeted at
                                                                                100mn gallons per month of renewable diesel.
                                           the value of a fantastic asset. As we have said
       Enterprises                         many times, when the time for activism is   by this new refinery will be used motor oil.
                                                                                  The primary feedstock to be processed
                                           over, we generally take a profit on a portion of
       Cheniere Energy announced today that   our stock. To date, we have made over $1.3bn   VRD’s patented refining process is flexible,
       it entered into a purchase agreement to   in realised and unrealised gains on Cheniere   such that other petrochemical wastes,
       repurchase approximately $350mn of the   and, even after the sale today, we still remain   seed oils, and animal fats may be mixed all
       company’s common shares beneficially owned   sizeable owners of Cheniere stock,” said Carl   together.
       by Carl C. Icahn and certain of his affiliates   Icahn.                    The resulting fuel – which VRD terms
       (Icahn Enterprises or IEP), at a purchase   CHENIERE ENERGY, June 15, 2022  “w2” – is fully ASTM D975 (petroleum diesel
       price of $130.52 per share, the closing price of                         #2 standard) compliant and blendable.
       Cheniere’s common shares on June 14, 2022.                               VEGAS RENEWABLE DIESEL, June 13, 2022
       The purchase of the shares will be funded   ENERGY TRANSITION
       from Cheniere’s cash on hand and is a part

       Week 24   16•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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