Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 24 2022
P. 8

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Cheniere signs LNG supply

       agreement with Equinor

        US-EUROPE        THE US’ leading LNG producer, Cheniere  supplier. Already, Equinor is the second largest
                         Energy, said on June 9 that its subsidiary  supplier of natural gas in Europe, trailing only
                         Cheniere Marketing had signed an LNG sales  Russia’s Gazprom.
                         and purchase agreement (SPA) with Norway’s   Since sanctions were imposed on Russia over
                         Equinor.                             its invasion of Ukraine, US LNG firms have
                           Under the terms of the SPA, Cheniere will  been exporting record volumes to the European
                         sell about 1.75mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG  Union. As a result, the US is predicted to be the
                         to Equinor on a free-on-board (FOB) basis  world’s largest LNG exporter this year.
                         over a 15-year period. Deliveries will begin in   Data from Refinitiv Eikon show that the US
                         the second half of 2026 and will be ramped up  exported 7.29mn tonnes of LNG in May, mark-
                         to reach the full 1.75mn tpy by the second half  ing the second highest monthly total on record.
                         of 2027.                             Higher sales to Europe and South America were
                           Cheniere noted that half of the volume, or  largely responsible for the increase.
                         about 0.9mn tpy, was dependent on it making a   May’s total represented an expansion from
                         final investment decision (FID) on its Stage III  6.93mn tonnes in April and also a 12% rise year
                         expansion at the Corpus Christi LNG export  on year. The US’ highest ever monthly LNG
                         terminal in Texas.                   exports amounted to 7.67mn tonnes, which it
                           For Equinor, the deal allows the firm to  achieved in March.
                         gain access to additional gas supplies in a tight   Houston-headquartered Cheniere leads the
                         commodity market where demand for LNG is  US’ liquefaction capacity with a combined 45mn
                         soaring. The company said the SPA would help  tpy in operation across its Corpus Christi and
                         it grow its ambitions to become a global gas  Sabine Pass export terminals.™

       Danos to support PDC, Petrofac on

       Gulf decommissioning project

        GULF OF MEXICO   OILFIELD services provider Danos said on June  Danos said this week it would provide support
                         14 that it had been selected by the Promethean  with several of the service lines, including pro-
                         Decommissioning Co. (PDC) and Petrofac to  duction workforce, fabrication, construction,
                         support their work decommissioning several  instrumentation and electrical.
                         facilities in shallow-water fields in the US Gulf   PDC is the operator of the project and
                         of Mexico.                           intends to take an integrated, technology-driven
                           The project began as a joint venture in May  approach. Petrofac will provide the project with
                         between PDC and Petrofac to decommission  its decommissioning programme management
                         the South Pass 60, South Pass 6 and East Breaks  systems, tools and processes. The company,
                         165 fields in the Gulf. In total, the legacy off-  which has been active in Texas for more than
                         shore fields and assets include 10 platforms,  40 years, has plugged and abandoned over 600
                         196 wells and 32 pipeline segments. The pro-  wells and decommissioned more than 100
                         ject is estimated by the US Bureau of Safety and  facilities.
                         Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) to have a   In Danos’ announcement that it was joining
                         decommissioning cost of about $200mn over a  the project, PDC’s president, Aditya Singh, men-
                         multi-year campaign.                 tioned that the partners would aim to meet the
                           The firms will work together to provide  “highest” environmental, social and governance
                         decommissioning operations and said they  (ESG) standards with their work. This includes
                         would use state-of-the art digital software to  minimising the greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-
                         deliver the project with comprehensive dash-  sions intensity and environmental footprint of
                         boards and delivery assurance.       the operations involved.
                           Danos’ participation had previously been   Singh previously said in May that the pro-
                         mentioned when the joint venture was formed  ject represented its new outsourced Decom-
                         in May, but now the company has provided  missioning Operator service being offered to
                         more details on what its contribution will entail.  the industry.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 24   16•June•2022
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