Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 24 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Biden clashes with refiners

       amid high prices

       US President Joe Biden has criticised the energy industry for

       historically high refining margins, and continues to push refiners

       to ramp up output

        US               US President Joe Biden has clashed with the
                         country’s energy industry amid oil and gasoline  Profit concerns
       WHAT:             prices that remain high. This week, Biden sent a  Biden’s focus on the profits being made by refin-
       US President Joe   letter to executives at ExxonMobil, Shell, Valero,  ers comes as US crude prices remain at around
       Biden has said the   Marathon Petroleum, Phillips 66, BP and Chev-  $110 per barrel while average nationwide gaso-
       refining industry has   ron, calling on them to ramp up output in a bid  line prices have recently hit $5 per gallon ($1.32
       unacceptably high profit   to lower gasoline prices. The letter claimed that  per litre) for the first time.
       margins under current   high refining margins under current circum-  Such high prices are being seen despite the
       circumstances.    stances were worsening the pain for the public,  Biden administration’s efforts to bolster crude
                         and went as far as to say they were unacceptable.  supplies via the largest ever release from the
       WHY:              Biden also warned that he was prepared to use  US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). In total,
       The US, much like the   his emergency powers to increase refinery out-  the US is releasing 180mn barrels of SPR crude,
       rest of the world, is   put and capacity.              with roughly 1mn barrels per day (bpd) being
       struggling with high fuel   The letter comes as Biden tries to bring  released between May and July, and a further
       prices, which have been   prices down ahead of US midterm elections in  release scheduled between August and October.
       exacerbated by the war in   November that are not looking promising for   Market conditions have been exacerbated
       Ukraine.          his Democrat Party. Further steps are also being  by the war in Ukraine, which has led to many –
                         taken. Biden said he would order US Secretary  particularly Western – countries declaring that
       WHAT NEXT:        of Energy Jennifer Granholm to convene an  they would phase out imports of Russian crude.
       Biden has threatened to   emergency meeting with industry leaders on  Biden acknowledged this in his letter.
       use emergency powers   gasoline prices. Indeed, a day after Biden sent   “There is no question that Vladimir Putin is
       to increase refinery   his letter, media reported that the US Depart-  principally responsible for the intense financial
       output but has received   ment of Energy (DoE) had sent an invitation to  pain the American people and their families
       some pushback from the   meet next week to the same seven companies  are bearing,” he wrote. “But amid a war that has
       industry.         that had received the letter.        railed the gasoline prices more than $1.70 per  Pull quote to go
                           Further details had not emerged as of press  gallon [$0.45 per litre], historically high refin-
                         time but Biden has started receiving some  ery profit margins are worsening the pain,” he   in here Pull quote
                         pushback from the companies he had written  added.                        to go in here Pull
                         to. Both ExxonMobil and Chevron have said the   “Your companies and others have an oppor-
                         Biden administration could be doing more to  tunity to take immediate actions to increase   quote to go in
                         address oil and gasoline prices while highlight-  the supply of gasoline, diesel, and other refined
                         ing steps they were taking to help meet higher  product you are producing and supplying to the  here Pull quote
                         demand.                              United States market,” Biden continued.
                           These developments set the stage for potential   In addition, he asked the companies he was   to go in here Pull
                         standoff between the US government and the  addressing to explain any reduction in their   quote to go in
                         industry. If Biden tries to use emergency pow-  refining capacity to Granholm and also to sub-
                         ers, further pushback can be expected. At the  mit any proposals to her for resolving the cur-  here.
                         same time, the companies involved are likely to  rent challenges around supply, refining capacity
                         call for more favourable energy policy following  and prices.
                         Biden’s initial efforts to prioritise environmen-
                         tal protection and push for a longer-term shift   Pushback
                         away from fossil fuels. The overall direction of  If ExxonMobil and Chevron’s responses are
                         his energy policy has continued to point to an  representative of the entire group of compa-
                         eventual end to fossil fuel development even as  nies, though, Biden’s approach will run into at
                         he calls for more immediate-term oil produc-  least some resistance. This is in part because he
                         tion to help reduce prices.          is seen as being comparatively unfriendly to oil

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 24   16•June•2022
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