Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 24 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       European gas

       market takes hit

       from Freeport LNG


        GLOBAL           AN explosion at the 15mn tonne per year (tpy)
                         Freeport LNG export terminal in Texas that
                         occurred on June 8 may be bad news for Europe
                         and its already very tight gas market, but it also
                         opens up opportunities for North and West
                         African gas exporters to fill the void left from
                         the drop in US exports, Rystad Energy said in a
                         research note on June 13.
                           Freeport LNG, one of the largest sources of
                         US LNG exports, is due to remain shut for three
                         weeks, and the downtime could be longer given
                         that the extent of the damage is yet to be deter-
                         mined, Rystad said. The plant had been running
                         at close to its capacity in recent months, help-
                         ing Europe offset recent disruptions in Russian
                           Rystad notes that the bulk of Freeport LNG’s
                         output had been heading to Europe before the
                         incident – rising from 40% in March to close
                         to 60% in May. (See NorthAmOil Week 23) The
                         plant has been able to quickly divert extra sup-
                         ply to Europe amid soaring prices and Moscow’s  first five months of the year, providing some
                         invasion thanks to the fact that most of its capac-  downward relief to prices. Gas injection in June
                         ity is uncontracted.                 averaged 477mn cubic metres per day, up 17%
                           That also means Europe will be hardest hit  compared to the same month last year. Overall
                         from the plant’s closure. Freeport LNG accounts  volumes in storage amounted to 57.11 bcm on
                         for 10% of total import volumes into Europe,  June 11.
         Freeport LNG,   while overall US volumes account for 45% of   Rystad predicted that strong injection rates
                         the continent’s imports. Russia and Qatar each  would continue during the summer, helping
       one of the largest   account for a further 15%, while the remaining  fulfil the EU goal of having storage facilities at
         sources of US   third comes from Nigeria, Algeria, South Amer-  least 80% capacity by November 1, to safeguard
                         ica and the Caribbean.
                                                              against winter shortages.
                           “While Freeport LNG is offline, it is unclear
                                                                Russian supply to Europe has now fallen to
        LNG exports, is   which alternative volumes could replace the  170 mcm per day, Rystad said, which is close to
        due to remain    drop in exports to Europe,” Rystad said. “How-  the record low level seen at the start of 2022.
                                                                “The main cause of the flow decline is less
                         ever, with favourable spot prices, countries such
         shut for three   as Nigeria and Algeria that are producing well  supplies via Ukraine … as one key transited gas
        weeks, and the   below capacity could increase production to help  delivery point at Sudzha did not receive redi-
                                                              rected gas from Russia since the full stop of gas
                         fill the void.”
                           The Norwegian consultancy notes that US  supplies via the Sokhranivka pipeline in early
        downtime could   uncontracted spot volumes from larger export-  May,” Rystad said.
                                                                Russia’s Nord Stream 1 pipeline to Germany
          be longer.     ing facilities including Sabine Pass, Corpus   is due to undergo maintenance between July 11
                         Christi and Cameron LNG could divert addi-
                         tional supply to Europe.             and 21.
                           The price at the Dutch TTF gas hub gained   “So far, the Nord Stream 1 supplies are the
                         $1.5 per mmBtu to settle at $26 on news of the  most stable route for Europe and the coming
                         Freeport LNG explosion and a further decline  10-day maintenance work would mean a gas
                         in Russian pipeline gas volumes. European gas  supply loss of 1.55 bcm for Europe during the
                         injection volumes have been strong this year,  summer, which would further tighten the Euro-
                         amounting to 35.1bn cubic metres during the  pean gas market,” Rystad said.™

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