Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 24 2022
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NorthAmOil                              ENERGY TRANSITION                                        NorthAmOil

       Southwestern to supply RSG to Uniper

        US               NATURAL gas producer Southwestern Energy  company sell roughly 1.5bn cubic feet (42.5mn
                         announced on June 14 that it has signed a multi-  cubic metres) per day of gas to LNG plants.
                         year deal to supply certified responsibly sourced   The firm completed third-party certification
                         gas (RSG) to the North American subsidiary of  of roughly 3 bcf (85 mcm) per day of Marcellus
                         Germany’s Uniper.                    gas production from the Appalachian region in
                           Under the terms of the deal, Southwestern  the first quarter of 2022. Southwestern has also
                         will supply Uniper with RSG for its US mid-  unveiled plans to undergo third-party certifica-
                         stream gas portfolio, which includes domestic  tion for its Haynesville production by the end of
                         distribution to downstream customers and  the year.
                         also gas to supply US LNG terminals for liq-  The company will partner with environmen-
                         uefaction and transport to markets around the  tal assessment firm Project Canary to certify the
                         world.                               entirety of its production in both basins.
                           The supply agreement marks Uniper’s first   “Transparency in energy production
                         RSG deal in the US and its second in North  practices is a growing market interest, and
                         America. In December, Uniper reached a deal  agreements like this one are key to deploying
                         to offtake certified natural gas from Canada’s  responsibly sourced solutions for customers in
                         Vermilion Energy and manage supply to Access  the US and abroad,” stated Uniper’s president
                         Gas Services, a wholesale supplier that provides  and CEO for North America, Marc Merrill.
                         natural gas to commercial, industrial and insti-  Third-party gas certification has surged
                         tutional customers.                  among US gas producers and over 20 bcf (566
                           Southwestern says it is the largest dual-ba-  mcm) per day is projected to be certified by the
                         sin gas producer in the US, with operations in  end of 2022. For European Union countries,
                         the Appalachian Basin and the Haynesville  purchasing certified gas for liquefaction has
                         shale play. It is ramping up RSG production in  emerged as an option to help wean themselves
                         both regions and deploys continuous emissions  off Russian gas while also pursuing their energy
                         monitoring at each pad location. Currently the  transition goals.™

       Chevron expands renewable fuels

       business with closing of REG acquisition

        US               CHEVRON said on June 13 that it has com-  capabilities with Chevron’s significantly larger
                         pleted its previously announced acquisition of  manufacturing, distribution and commercial
                         Renewable Energy Group (REG) after the trans-  marketing capacity.
                         action was approved by REG stockholders.  The transaction also gives Chevron additional
                           The agreement was reached in February,  feedstock supplies and pre-treatment facilities
                         with Chevron set to acquire REG via an all-cash  and will aid the company in its ambition to raise
                         transaction valued at $3.15bn. REG stockholders  renewable fuels production capacity to 100,000
       The expansion of   have approved the purchase at $61.50 per share.  barrels per day (bpd) by 2030. Chevron’s renew-
       REG’s renewable diesel   The total enterprise value of $2.75bn includes  able fuels business will now be headquartered in
       production facility in   a net cash position around $400mn greater than  Ames, Iowa, following the closing of the deal.
       Geismar, Louisiana, is   debt. The transaction price represents a pre-  “We have brought together companies with
       currently underway.  mium of around 57% on a 30-day average based  complementary capabilities, assets and cus-
                         on closing stock prices on February 25.  tomer relationships to make Chevron one of
                           The deal is also expected to be accretive to  the leading renewable fuels companies in the
                         Chevron’s earnings this year and accretive to  United States,” stated Chevron’s executive vice
                         free cash flow following the start-up of REG’s  president of downstream and chemicals, Mark
                         renewable diesel production facility expansion  Nelson. “Chevron now offers our customers an
                         in Geismar, Louisiana.               expanded suite of cost-effective, lower-carbon
                           The $950mn expansion is projected to  solutions that utilise today’s fleets and infrastruc-
                         be mechanically complete by 2023 and fully  ture,” he added.
                         operational in 2024. It will increase total site   Meanwhile, Chevron has appointed REG’s
                         production capacity at the facility by 90mn gal-  former  president  and  CEO,  Cynthia  “CJ”
                         lons (2.1mn barrels) per year to 340mn gallons  Warner, to Chevron’s board of directors.
                         (8.1mn barrels) per year.              REG operates 11 biorefineries in the US and
                           The acquisition combines REG’s grow-  Europe and produced 519mn gallons (12.4mn
                         ing renewable fuels production and feedstock  barrels) of cleaner fuel in 2020.™

       Week 24   16•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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