Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 24 2022
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         and gas companies. His time in office so far has  helping to advance US strategic objectives.
                         been characterised by moratoria on federal leas-  ExxonMobil, for its part, said it had been
                         ing that were only lifted as the result of a court  “investing more than any other company” to
                         ruling and by efforts to bring in more robust  develop US oil and gas supplies. The company
                         regulations.                         said it had invested more than $50bn in the US
                           Biden’s commitment to the energy transition  over the past five years, resulting in an almost
                         means that he wants to move the US away from  50% increase in its domestic oil output over the
                         oil and gas production over the long term. At  period.
                         the same time, though, he has called for both   This includes investing into increasing refin-
                         producers and refiners to ramp up output in  ing capacity to process US light crude by about
                         the immediate term, and this has frustrated the  250,000 barrels per day (bpd) during the down-
                         industry.                            turn that came about with the onset of the coro-
                           “We understand the significant concerns  navirus (COVID-19) pandemic.        These
                         around higher fuel prices currently faced by   ExxonMobil also made a few suggestions for
                         consumers around the country, and the world.  what the Biden administration could be doing   developments
                         We share these concerns, and expect the admin-  to help with the current challenges.  set the stage for
                         istration’s approach to energy policy will start   “In the short term, the US government could
                         to better reflect the importance of addressing  enact measures often used in emergencies fol-  potential standoff
                         them,” Chevron said in response to Biden’s let-  lowing hurricanes or other supply disruptions
                         ter. It added that since Biden had taken office,  – such as waivers of Jones Act provisions and  between the US
                         his administration had indicated it would  some fuel specifications to increase supplies,” it
                         “impose obstacles to our industry delivering  said. “Longer term, government can promote   government and
                         energy resources the world needs”.   investment through clear and consistent policy   the industry.
                           Chevron also noted this week that it had  that supports US resource development, such
                         raised its 2022 production forecast for the Per-  as regular and predictable lease sales, as well as
                         mian Basin by 15%, to 700,000-750,000 barrels  streamlined regulatory approval and support for
                         of oil equivalent per day (boepd). In a bid to stay  infrastructure such as pipelines.”
                         within its capital expenditure guidance for the   The other refiners that Biden has written to
                         year, it will do this by bringing more of its drilled  are likely to take a similar view, that more pol-
                         but uncompleted (DUC) wells online.  icy support could help promote investment in
                           “Chevron is doing its part to grow domes-  the necessary production and refining capac-
                         tic supply with US oil and gas produc-  ity. More calls from the industry for a support-
                         tion,” stated Chevron’s CEO, Mike Wirth.  ive energy policy would not be surprising at
                         The super-major described the increase as  this point.™

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