Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 24 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            on our goals for responsible development,   Tamarack and CAD46.5mn in cash.
                                           including achieving net zero greenhouse gas   Tamarack has now successfully
       Key oil sands groups join           emissions (GHGs) from oil sands production.”  consolidated working interests and
                                                                                operatorship in the Southern Clearwater
                                             The six member companies of the
       forces under Pathways               Pathways Alliance – Canadian Natural,   to 100%, as a result of the acquisition. The
                                           Cenovus Energy, ConocoPhillips Canada,
                                                                                acquired assets are forecasted to produce
       Alliance banner                     Imperial, MEG and Suncor Energy – operate   ~2,100 bpd average for the remainder of
                                           about 95% of Canada’s oil sands production.
                                                                                2022 and deliver ~CAD65mn of annualised
       Canada’s major oil sands producers today   A key focus of the new Pathways Alliance   operating field netback. Tamarack expects
       announced the combination of three existing   will be to continue the considerable work   to realise synergies in gas conservation and
       industry groups, all focused on responsible   already underway to reduce GHGs from   other infrastructure projects already in the
       development, into a single organisation called   oil sands production by 22 million tonnes   planning phase, lowering the GHG intensity
       the Pathways Alliance. The new organisation   annually by 2030, and ultimately achieve   of the assets.
       incorporates the Oil Sands Pathways to Net   its goal of net zero emissions oil sands   As previously announced, and in
       Zero Alliance, launched in 2021, Canada’s Oil   production by 2050. Achieving the group’s   conjunction with the closing of the
       Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA), created   goals will require multiple technology   acquisition, Tamarack has increased its base
       in 2012, and the Oil Sands Community   pathways, including a proposed carbon   monthly dividend by 20% to CAD0.01 per
       Alliance (OSCA), created in 2013.   capture and storage network that will capture   month beginning with the June declaration
         To lead the integration and work of the   CO2 from oil sands facilities and transport it   with an expected payment date of July 15,
       new Pathways Alliance, Kendall Dilling has   to a hub in the Cold Lake area of Alberta for   2022. The increase in Tamarack’s monthly
       been appointed as the organisation’s President.   safe and permanent underground storage.  cash dividend reflects the improvement in
       Dilling was previously Vice-President,   PATHWAYS ALLIANCE, June 15, 2022  sustainable free funds flow per share the
       Environment & Regulatory at Cenovus                                      company has generated both organically and
       Energy and was seconded earlier this year   Tamarack Valley Energy       through the strategic Crestwynd and Rolling
       to serve as Interim Director of the original                             Hills acquisitions which drive accretion at flat
       Oil Sands Pathways to Net Zero Alliance.   announces closing of          pricing of $55/barrel WTI and CAD2.50/GJ
       After ten years in operation, COSIA will                                 AECO.
       continue to operate as a division within the   previously announced        Tamarack is also pleased to announce
       Pathways Alliance and will remain under the                              that its existing sustainability-linked lending
       leadership of Wes Jickling, who becomes the   Rolling Hills Energy       facility (SLL facility) has been extended to
       organization’s Vice President of Technology                              May 31, 2024. The SLL facility syndicate also
       Development and COSIA. In addition, Mark   acquisition and extension     provided a modest increase to CAD650mn
       Cameron, an experienced senior public                                    on the revolving facility, to account for some
       servant and public policy leader, has been   of existing sustainability-  of the additional value added through the
       appointed Vice President, External Relations.                            acquisition.
         “Having all three of these remarkable   linked lending                 TAMARACK VALLEY ENERGY, June 10, 2022
       industry groups integrated into a more
       powerful and efficient organization, with   Tamarack Valley Energy is pleased to
       combined leadership, will further amplify our   announce that it has successfully closed   MIDSTREAM
       collaborative efforts to advance responsible oil   the previously announced acquisition of
       sands development and help make Canadian   Rolling Hills Energy, a privately held pure   Goodnight Midstream
       oil the most preferred barrel in the world,”   play Clearwater oil producer. Tamarack
       said Dilling. “I’m honoured to be a part of   acquired all of the issued and outstanding   announces closing of
       the team that will work with our member   common shares of Rolling Hills for total net
       companies to demonstrate continued progress   consideration of 9.3mn common shares of   private placement, new
                                                                                revolving credit facility

                                                                                Goodnight Midstream, a leading midstream
                                                                                produced water infrastructure company,
                                                                                today announced the completion of the sale of
                                                                                $325mn of senior notes in a private placement
                                                                                to EIG and Crestline Investors. Concurrent
                                                                                with the private placement, Goodnight
                                                                                announced the successful closing of a $100mn
                                                                                Revolving Credit Facility led by Wells Fargo
                                                                                Bank, NA, along with participation from
                                                                                Texas Capital Bank, Cadence Bank and First
                                                                                Horizon Bank.
                                                                                  Goodnight utilised the proceeds to
                                                                                refinance existing indebtedness and intends
                                                                                to use the added liquidity to drive growth,

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 24   16•June•2022
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