Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 32 2021
P. 12

LatAmOil                                          BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

                         Gomes also described TRSP as “the first link   natural gas market and will ultimately improve
                         Brazil will have with the international LNG   competition through a better offer of natural gas
                         market.”                             in the Brazilian territory.” The industrial group
                           Cosan expects the project to support the   also said that Compass Gas e Energia had drawn
                         development of Brazil’s domestic gas market.   up plans for the terminal within the framework
                         It said in early August that TRSP would “serve   of wider efforts to create “more competitive gas
                         as an important lever in developing the free   and power alternatives [for] its clients.” ™

       NFE to deliver LNG to two

       Brazilian fertiliser plants

                         US-BASED  New  Fortress  Energy  (NFE)   (1.095mn tpy) of urea.
                         revealed earlier this week that it had agreed to   Wes Edens, the chairman and CEO of NFE,
                         deliver LNG to two fertiliser plants owned by   said he expected the GSAs to benefit his com-
                         Unigel Participações, a major Brazilian chem-  pany. “We are excited to become the strategic
                         ical company.                        gas supply partner of Unigel, one of the premier
                           In a statement, NFE said it had signed gas   industrial companies in Brazil,” Edens com-
                         supply agreements (GSAs) with the Unigel sub-  mented. “This partnership demonstrates the
                         sidiaries that operate the Unigel Agro-BA plant   value our LNG import terminals will provide
                         in Bahia state and the Unigel Agro-SE plant in   to customers in Brazil as we bring affordable,
                         Sergipe state. The GSAs also give Unigel the   reliable energy supply and support industry
                         option of working with NFE to ensure gas deliv-  throughout Brazil.”
                         eries to its chemical plant in Candeias, a city in   Andrew Dete, NFE’s managing director,
                         Bahia state, it noted.               agreed. “NFE is proud to partner with Unigel to
                           The GSAs call for NFE to deliver LNG to   support domestic fertiliser production in north-
                         import terminals in Suape and Sergipe, where   east Brazil,” he said. “These agreements are great
                         it can be regasified and loaded into local pipe-  examples of NFE’s mission to partner with lead-
                         lines for delivery to the Unigel plants. The ship-  ing industrial customers in Brazil to provide
                         ments will be carried out over a period of five   reliable energy supply.”
                         years beginning in the first quarter of 2022. The   Meanwhile, Unigel CEO Roberto Noronha
                         US-based company is slated to supply the Brazil-  Santos described the GSAs as a means of ensur-
                         ian company with up to 1.4mn gallons per day of   ing regular deliveries of raw materials to the
                         LNG – equivalent to slightly more than 832,350   fertiliser plants. “We believe that this five-year
                         tonnes per year (tpy) – during this period.  term agreement with NFE will provide a more
                           The Unigel fertiliser plants will use the regas-  reliable, stable operation for our plants in the
                         ified LNG as feedstock for the production of   long run, which is key to improve our compet-
                         urea. Currently, these two facilities are capable   itiveness and solidify our commercial presence
                         of turning out more than 3,000 tonnes per day   in Brazil,” he stated. ™

                                           Some of the LNG will be delivered to the Suape terminal (Photo: New Fortress Energy)

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 32   12•August•2021
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