Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 32 2021
P. 17

LatAmOil                      NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                        LatAmOil

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  Addressing reporters in Glasgow on August 4,
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said the policy
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  would need to be implemented in a way that pro-
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  tected North Sea jobs.
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline  FSU OGM: Russia holds off on gasoline
                         link for each section the full text will be available  export ban
                         as before.                           Russia is yet to declare a ban on gasoline exports,
                                                              despite recent calls from the Energy Ministry
                         AfrOil: NOCK under fire from auditors The   to do so in order to stem record-high wholesale
                         National Oil Corporation of Kenya (NOCK) is   prices for the fuel. The ministry confirmed on
                         under fire from the government for its shaky   July 30 that it had filed a proposal for the gov-
                         finances, with the Office of the Auditor-General  ernment to start a procedure for introducing the
                         (OAG) expressing particular concern about the  ban.
                         company’s failure to pay loans from KCB Bank
                         Kenya. The OAG noted in a report on NOCK’s  GLNG: More interest in SPAs and higher
                         performance in Fiscal Year 2019/2020 that the  costs
                         state-owned firm had been borrowing far more  US-based Sempra Energy warned in its sec-
                         money than it was capable of repaying.  ond-quarter conference call that construction
                                                              costs were rising for greenfield liquefaction
                         AsianOil: Senex enjoys Surat reserves   projects. Meanwhile, fellow US LNG exporter
                         upgrade                              Cheniere Energy highlighted the return of long-
                         Australian independent Senex Energy reported  term supply and purchase agreements (SPAs)
                         a significant upgrade to its natural gas reserves  for LNG in support of the construction of new
                         this week following an independent assessment  liquefaction capacity.
                         by Netherland Sewell & Associates (NSAI). The
                         company said on August 9 that its proven (1P)  MEOG: Saudi Aramco’s big results and
                         gas reserves in the Surat Basin had been lifted by  small qualifiers
                         24% to 261 PJ (6.8bn cubic metres) as of June 30,  Saudi Aramco this week announced half-year
                         while its proven and probable (2P) reserves had  results that were highlighted by a near quad-
                         increased by 4% to 767 PJ (19.98 bcm).  rupling of Q2-2021 net income compared to
                                                              the same period last year. Meanwhile, with its
                         DMEA: Money questions and firefighting   finances clearly in a healthier state, the company
                         Questions are starting to be asked about a poten-  is pressing forward efforts to increase its maxi-
                         tial financial crisis at the nearly-complete Dan-  mum sustainable capacity (MSC) for oil produc-
                         gote refinery in Nigeria, amidst allegations that  tion by 1mn barrels per day (bpd), targeting a
                         the developer is struggle to cope with servicing  550,000-bpd hike within four years.
                         a $7bn credit. Meanwhile, a fire broke out at a
                         petrochemical storage tank on Kharg Island near  NorthAmOil: ExxonMobil weighs net zero
                         the Islamic Republic’s largest oil export facility.  pledge
                                                              The  US-based  super-major  ExxonMobil
                         EurOil: Labour calls for end date to oil and  is  reportedly considering making a pledge to
                         gas exploration                      pur-sue net zero greenhouse gas (GHG)
                         The head of the UK’s main opposition party  emissions. This comes as the company finds
                         has said the country must have a “hard-edged  itself under growing pressure from investors
                         timetable” for ceasing oil and gas exploration.  over its stance on decarbonisation. ™

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       Week 32   12•August•2021                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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