Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 32 2021
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Grand Canal has been engaged in civil works  production in July 2021 and corresponding
       related to the constructions on its BDWP. Cur-  numbers for June 2021. Colombia: July 2021, 818
       rently, on-going major constructions are the  boepd, 570 bpd of oil; June 2021, 817 boepd, 566
       port laydown yard, a 200-metre rip rap shore  bpd of oil. Argentina, operated by Selva Maria
       protection, a 90-metre wharf and access trestle,  Oil on behalf of Interoil until local authorities
       an access road from Seawell bridge to the deep  approve operator’s licence: July 2021, 2,195
       water port site, a bridge over a canal leading to  boepd, 291 bpd of oil; June 2021, 2,484 boepd,
       Seawell Village, and relocation of utilities (water,  298 bpd of oil.
       power and communication). Construction of   In July, average daily production was 3,013
       the wharf platform and access trestle are cur-  barrels of oil equivalents per day (boepd), com-
       rently scheduled to begin in September 2021.  pared to 3,301 boepd in May. Output was rela-
       The capital cost for the BDWP through to 2023  tively stable in Colombia.
       is currently estimated at approximately $70mn.   In Argentina, gas production was slightly  February 2021 on spot energy remuneration,
       The port is expected to be built and completed  lower than in the month before because of a  partially offset by real devaluation affecting spot
       by the end of 2023 and start operations in the  technical problem in a gas compression unit in  revenues.
       beginning of 2024.                  Campo Bremen (Santa Cruz). The situation was   79% year-on-year increase in the adjusted
       CGX Energy, August 11 2021          resolved after seven days and gas production was  EBITDA, recording $241mn during Q2-2021,
                                           back on stream on August 3.          explained by rises of $67mn in oil and gas,
                                              Also, in Argentina, COVID-19 restrictions  $25mn in power generation, $12mn in petro-
       SERVICES                            continue to prevent critical field experts from  chemicals, and $2mn in holding and others.
                                           entering the country, resulting in a further delay   Pampa recorded a consolidated profit attrib-
       Prosperity FPSO hull                of the workover operations at the MMO-15 field  utable to the Company’s shareholders of $70mn,
                                           that commenced in May, and which produced  $66mn higher than the second quarter of 2020
       arrives in Singapore for            encouraging results.                 (Q2-2020), mainly due to better operating mar-
                                              In Colombia, transportation of goods and  gin, offset by higher losses from discontinued
       next phase of construction          export of oil products from and to the fields  operations and income tax charge in Q2-2021.
                                           was restored, and light trucking is now possi-
                                                                                Pampa Energía, August 11 2021
       The hull for the Prosperity FPSO has arrived  ble throughout the country. In the Puli C area,
       safely at the Keppel yard in Singapore. Now, the  however, road blockage especially for heavy and   Petrobras presents
       next phase of construction will commence, with  extra-heavy loads, has prohibited the mobili-
       the topside modules being integrated at the yard.  sation of the pulling rig required to recover the   excellent financial
         Despite the various challenges posed by the  shut-in Puli C producing wells. Interoil is dis-
       ongoing global pandemic, the unit remains on  cussing with local communities to obtain the   results in Q2-2021
       schedule to be completed in 2024. Drydock  necessary approvals.
       activities are scheduled to begin in the 4th quar-  In the Llanos area, Interoil is now moving  Petrobras achieved excellent operational and
       ter of this year, with the installation of major  Vikingo production through the Perenco oil  financial results in the second quarter of 2021,
       structures that will support the Mooring and  pipeline, as it did prior to the road blockage.  with a net income of $8.1bn, positively impacted
       Subsea Risers.                      However, the planned drilling of an exploration  by the effect of the Real appreciation on debt.
         In keeping the standardisation philosophy  well in the Altair and LLA-47 blocks have been  Among the highlights are the generation of
       that guides the Fast4Ward® programme, the  further delayed. Interoil is dedicating significant  operating cash flow and free cash flow, total-
       Prosperity FPSO by in large replicates the design  resources to obtain the required approvals for  ing $10.8bn and $9.3bn, respectively, and the
       used for the Liza Unity FPSO. This approach has  this exploration campaign.  adjusted EBITDA of $11.8bn, 32% higher than
       showcased the value of Fast4Ward®, ensuring   Interoil Exploration & Production, August 12 2021  the previous quarter.
       that the final product is delivered faster to our                          In view of this result, the company’s Board
       client ExxonMobil. Once installed, the vessel is   Pampa Energía announces   of Directors approved the anticipation of the
       intended to produce roughly 220,000 barrels of                           shareholder remuneration payment for 2021
       oil per day and will be able to store around 2mn   solid Q2-2021 results and   in the amount of $6bn, with $4bn to be paid on
       barrels of crude oil.                                                    August 25th of this year and $2bn on Decem-
         Once completed, Prosperity will join her   record high gas production  ber 15, 2021. Thus, Petrobras shares its financial
       sister vessel Liza Unity, currently under con-                           gains with Brazilian society. The Union, the con-
       struction at the same yard, and Liza Destiny,  Pampa Energía, an independent company with  trolling shareholder, will receive R$11.6bn of this
       operational since end of 2019, offshore Guyana.  active participation in Argentina’s electricity  amount and, added to the installments already
       SBM Offshore, August 12 2021        and gas value chain, announces the results for  paid, the amount will reach R$15.4bn by the end
                                           the six-month period and quarter ended on June  of 2021.
                                           30, 2021.                              “It is a pleasure to present the excellent opera-
       PERFORMANCE                            Main results from the quarter: 68% year-  tional and financial results for the second quarter
                                           on-year increase in sales, recording $346mn in  of 2021. We keep on working hard, supported
       Interoil issues production          the second quarter 2021 (Q2-2021), explained  by absolutely technical decisions; evolving and
                                           by higher price and volume of hydrocarbons  becoming stronger to better invest, supply an
       report for July 2021                and petrochemicals sold, the new combined  increasingly demanding market, and generate
                                           cycle gas turbine at Genelba Thermal Power  prosperity for our shareholders and for society,”
       Below please find  average  gross  operated  Plant (CTGEBA), and the retroactive rise as of  said Petrobras CEO Joaquim Silva e Luna.

       Week 32   12•August•2021                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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