Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 32 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       INVESTMENT                          fan in a combination structural and stratigraphic  and associated services to drill the Kawa-1 well
                                           trap. Trapping of hydrocarbons within Campa-  on the Corentyne offshore block. This Drilling
       Petrobras begins                    nian to Santonian aged sandstone reservoirs is  Contract also includes one optional well on the
                                           expected to be provided by a pinch-out of the  Demerara block. In conjunction with the Drill-
       sale of E&P assets                  reservoir section up-dip.            ing Contract between CRI and Maersk, Frontera
                                                                                entered into a separate Deed of Guarantee with
                                              The Kawa-1 well will also penetrate second-
       in Potiguar basin                   ary objectives in a shallower Campanian sand  Maersk on April 30, 2021 for certain obligations
                                           and a deeper Santonian sand which the Joint  in connection with the day rates under the Drill-
       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  Venture believes has additional hydrocarbon  ing Contract on behalf of CRI, up to a maximum
       on July 9, 2021, informs the beginning of the  potential. The stacked primary and secondary  of $25mn subject to a sliding scale mechanism
       binding phase regarding the sale, together with  Kawa-1 targets are considered analogous to the  in connection with payments made under the
       Sonangol Hidrocarbonetos Brasil Ltda. (Sonan-  discoveries immediately adjacent to the Coren-  Drilling Contract. Frontera and the Company
       gol), of all stakes of both companies in the  tyne block in Block 58 in Suriname.  also entered into an agreement pursuant to
       onshore exploratory block POT-T-794, belong-  Proximity of the Corentyne block to the  which all amounts drawn under the Deed that
       ing to the BT-POT-55A concession, located in  Cretaceous Berbice Canyon sediment source  are attributed to CRI’s share of the Joint Venture
       the Potiguar Basin, in the state of Rio Grande do  is interpreted to have concentrated sandstone  costs, shall be guaranteed by the Company.
       Norte.                              reservoirs in the North Corentyne area. Chan-  During the second quarter, CRI secured all
         Potential buyers qualified for this phase will  nelised, stacked internal fan geometries evident  necessary contracts for the drilling of Kawa-1
       receive a process letter with detailed instructions  on 3D seismic are indicative of thick, stacked,  and commenced operational activities to meet
       on the divestment process, including guidelines  coarser-grained sand reservoirs. The Joint Ven-  the targeted spud window.
       for due diligence and the submission of binding  ture expects the Kawa-1 well will reach total   CRI contracted a pore pressure analysis of the
       proposals.                          depth in approximately 85 days.      Corentyne Kawa-1 prospect and the Demerara
         About the BT-POT-55A concession: The   The Joint Venture has assembled a highly  Makarapan-1 prospect. The Corentyne Kawa-1
       concession was acquired in 2006 in the 7th  qualified and experienced team for the drilling  prospect was completed by P-Ten in February
       Bidding Round of Blocks held by the National  campaign, with extensive deepwater drilling  2021 and the Demerara Makarapan-1 prospect
       Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels  expertise from operations around the globe,  was completed by P-Ten in April 2021.
       (ANP). Petrobras holds a 70% stake and Sonan-  including the Guyana Basin.  In February 2021, CRI contracted Petrostrat
       gol, the concession operator, holds the remain-  Progress on the construction of the Compa-  to perform a biostratigraphic study of all avail-
       ing 30% stake.                      ny’s Berbice Deep Water Port through its whol-  able paleontological and palynological data in
         The consortium has drilled two wells in the  ly-owned subsidiary, Grand Canal Industrial  the basin to create a standardised, sub-regional
       area, one gas discoverer and one appraisal well.  Estates Inc. continues to be on target for the  biostratigraphic understanding in an effort to
       There are no remaining Minimum Exploratory  Offshore Supply Base (“OSB”) to be operational  enhance prospectivity for the Demerara and
       Programme commitments to be fulfilled.  by mid-2022 and the Multi-Purpose Terminal  Corentyne Blocks. The study includes 22 wells
       Petrobras, August 9 2021            (MPT) to be operational by the end of 2023.  from both Guyana and Suriname. The paleon-
                                           Until now, all contractors on the project have  tological study was completed as of June 2021.
                                           been local, maximising local content on the   Grand Canal has commenced the Berbice
       UPSTREAM                            project.                             Deep Water Port Project (BDWP) on 30 acres
                                              Second Quarter and Recent Highlights: On  (0.12 square km) of land on the eastern bank
       CGX Energy issues                   April 22, 2021, CGX Resources, Operator of  of the Berbice River. The deepwater port facil-
                                           the Corentyne offshore block, entered into an  ity intends to serve as an offshore supply base,
       operational update                  agreement with Maersk Drilling Holdings Sin-  OSB and cargo handling base, and agricultural
                                           gapore, a subsidiary of The Drilling Company  import/export operations. The BDWP will ena-
       The Company and Frontera Energy, majority  of 1972 A/S, for the provision of a semi-sub-  ble provisioning of operators and vendors in
       shareholder of CGX Energy and Joint Ven-  mersible drilling unit, the Maersk Discoverer,  territorial waters of both Guyana and Suriname.
       ture Partner in in the Petroleum Prospecting
       Licenses for the Corentyne and Demerara blocks
       offshore Guyana, intend to spud the Kawa-1 well
       in the Corentyne block before the end of August
       2021. The Maersk Discoverer, a sixth-generation
       semi-submersible drilling rig is on route from
       Trinidad and is expected to arrive at the Kawa-1
       location on August 15, 2021. As part of its con-
       tract with Maersk, the joint venture also holds an
       option to drill an additional well.
         The Kawa-1 well is located in the northeast
       quadrant of the Corentyne block, approximately
       200 km offshore from Georgetown. The water
       depth is approximately 355 metres (1,174 ft)
       and the expected total depth of the Kawa-1 well
       is 6,685 metres (21,932 ft). The primary target
       of the Kawa-1 well is a light oil, large Santonian
       slope fan complex with an overlying Campanian

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 32   12•August•2021
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