Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 32 2021
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LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Petrobras is also committed to reducing its  carbon intensity and low costs.  in the world to produce second generation eth-
       indebtedness and, in this second quarter, it   Petrobras, August 4 2021  anol on a commercial scale, reusing bagasse, the
       reached a gross debt of $63.7bn, 10.3% lower                             fibrous by-product of sugar cane production.
       than last quarter. This value is below the forecast                      Second-generation biofuels such as these are
       for 2021 ($67bn) and very close to the goal of  FINANCIAL                Shell’s primary focus for investment and scaling
       reaching $60bn, initially foreseen for the end of                        up biofuels’ availability.
       2022. Adjusted Net Debt/EBITDA reached 1.49x   Raizen IPO aims to        Shell Brazil Holding, August 5 2021
       at the end of the second quarter, the best mark
       since the third quarter of 2011, when leases were   accelerate growth of    Petrobras approves
       not yet part of debt.
         “The results achieved this quarter stem from   Shell’s renewable energy   payment of dividends
       our resilience, focus on the best assets and our
       ability to adapt. I also highlight the strong delev-  joint venture in Brazil  to shareholders
       eraging, the achievements with the portfolio
       management process and, last but not least, the  Shell Brazil Holding, a subsidiary of Royal  Petrobras informs that its Board of Directors,
       substantial dividend payment in recognition  Dutch Shell, marks the start of trading in shares  at a meeting held today, approved the payment
       of our shareholders. We will work to make this  of Raízen, the renewable energy joint venture  of two advance payments of remuneration to
       percentage payment increase even more over  between Shell and Brazilian energy company  shareholders for fiscal year 2021, in the total
       the years”, said the Chief Financial and Investor  Cosan, on the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange (B3),  gross amount of BRL31.6bn (about $6bn).
       Relations Officer Rodrigo Araujo.   following the successful execution of an initial   These extraordinary payments consider
         The operating results were also highlighted  public offering (IPO).    Petrobras’ expected results and cash generation
       by the average production of 2.8mn barrels of oil   “Shell is committed to Raízen as we grow our  for 2021, being compatible with the company’s
       equivalent per day (boepd), 1.1% above the first  renewable energy business and our presence in  financial sustainability, without compromising
       quarter, with the pre-salt fields contributing with  Brazil and Argentina,” said Huibert Vigeveno,  its trajectory of debt reduction and liquidity, in
       1.96mn boepd, equivalent to 70% of the total.  Shell’s Downstream Director. “This IPO should  line with the principles of the Dividend Policy.
       These results confirm the company’s success-  help Raízen to grow faster, enabling it to deliver   The payments will be distributed as follows:
       ful portfolio management strategy, by reducing  more and cleaner energy to our customers. We   1st installment: Total value BRL21bn,
       presence in businesses with low adherence to its  believe this IPO is the best way to fund the strat-  Gross value per common and preferred share
       asset portfolio to reallocate resources to higher  egy and provide consistent returns on invest-  BRL1.609911 per share. Record date: the record
       productivity projects and assets, maximising the  ment for the joint venture partners and new  date for owners of Petrobras shares traded on
       return on capital employed.         investors alike.”                    B3 will be August 16, 2021, and for holders of
         This year, up to July 31, the cash inflow from   Raízen is a global leader in the production of  American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) traded
       the sale of assets reached $2.8bn. Besides the  first- and second-generation biofuel from sugar  on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) will
       signature of the Gaspetro sale, we concluded the  cane. It is pursuing an ambitious growth strat-  be August 18, 2021. Petrobras shares will trade
       following operations in the period: the public  egy, as shown by the recent agreement to acquire  ex-dividends on the B3 and NYSE as of August
       offering of the remaining stake in BR, the sale of  Biosev and the integration of Shell’s lubricants  17, 2021. Payment date: for holders of Petrobras
       the Frade and Dó-Ré-Mi oilfields, of the Rio Ven-  business in Brazil into Raízen (both subject to  shares traded on B3 payment will be made on
       tura Pole, of the Mangue Seco 1, Mangue Seco 2,  deal completion), and the investment decision  August 25, 2021. ADR holders will receive the
       Mangue Seco 3, and Mangue Seco 4 wind farms,  to expand Raízen’s second-generation biofuels  payment on September 1, 2021. Form of distri-
       of Petrobras Uruguay Distribución (PUDSA), of  production capacity. Growing Raízen will also  bution: Dividends.
       BSBios, and of the remaining 10% stake in NTS.  contribute to Shell’s target to become a net-zero   2nd installment: Total value BRL10.6bn,
       These resources will allow for increased invest-  emissions energy business by 2050, in step with  Gross value per common and preferred share:
       ments in promising projects such as, for exam-  society.                 BRL0.812622 per share. Record date: the record
       ple, the development of the Búzios oilfield, in   The Shell-branded retail sites and lubricants  date for owners of Petrobras shares traded on
       the Santos Basin pre-salt, the largest deepwater  business in Brazil and Argentina will continue to  B3 will be December 1, 2021, and the record
       field in the world. It is a world-class asset, with  be managed by Raízen.  date for ADR holders will be December 3, 2021.
       substantial reserves, low risk, which allows for   Raízen produces first generation ethanol  Petrobras shares will be traded ex-dividends on
       doubly resilient oil and gas production, with low  from sugar cane, and it is also the only company  B3 and NYSE as of December 2, 2021. Payment
                                                                                date: for holders of Petrobras shares traded on
                                                                                B3 payment will be made on December 15,
                                                                                2021. ADR holders will receive the payment
                                                                                on December 22, 2021. Form of distribution:
                                                                                Petrobras will declare and communicate the
                                                                                form of distribution (dividends and/or interest
                                                                                on equity) prior to the record date.
                                                                                  The amounts paid in advance to sharehold-
                                                                                ers as dividends or interest on equity, readjusted
                                                                                by the Selic rate from the payment date until
                                                                                the end of the year, will be discounted from the
                                                                                mandatory minimum dividends, including the
                                                                                minimum dividend owed to preferred shares.
                                                                                Petrobras, August 4 2021

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 32   12•August•2021
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