Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 35 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       Isomerization Dewaxing (BIDW™) catalyst.   hydrogen infrastructure projects.  commodities market participants has
       This provides refiners and biofuel producers   Mitsubishi Power’s current partnerships   collaborated to execute the first-ever
       with powerful dewaxing in both winter   for large-scale hydrogen production, energy   Responsibly Sourced Gas (RSG) supply
       and summer modes. Improved yields were   storage and transportation include: North   agreement to use the Xpansiv Digital Fuels
       demonstrated during testing of BIDW catalyst   America’s largest green energy storage   Registry™ to validate and register the gas’s
       versus other internally formulated zeolite-  project: Advanced Clean Energy Storage,   origin, energy content and methane intensity,
       based alternatives.                 a partnership with Magnum Development   all derived from independent data sources.
         “Choosing the right process technology is   in Delta, Utah, to create a green hydrogen   Macquarie Energy Canada, Ltd. a wholly
       critical to producing both renewable diesel   hub that will eventually provide pipeline   owned subsidiary of Macquarie Group
       and jet fuel from bio-feedstocks. The EMRD   connectivity throughout the Western   (“Macquarie”) will supply Québec’s leading
       process provides an advanced solution that   Interconnect of North America. The project   natural gas distributor Énergir with natural
       enables high yields while meeting stringent   will produce renewable hydrogen, store it   gas from Pacific Canbriam Energy, a certified
       seasonal product specifications,” said James   in vast underground salt dome caverns,   producer under the Equitable Origin
       Ritchie, president of ExxonMobil Catalysts   and dispatch it as a clean fuel for power   EO100TM Standard for Responsible Energy
       and Licensing.                      generation, transportation and industrial   Development. The physical natural gas will be
         Due to significant interest in producing   applications;               bundled with Digital Natural Gas (DNG™), a
       renewable jet fuel as a primary product,   North America’s largest blue hydrogen   registered digital asset derived from real-
       ExxonMobil is also developing advanced   project: A joint development agreement   time production data as defined by Xpansiv’s
       catalyst and process technology solutions that   with Bakken Energy to create a hydrogen   Digital Fuels Program. The registered DNG
       will offer EMRD process licensees flexibility   hub in North Dakota comprising facilities   attributes are recorded in an immutable digital
       to tailor the amount of jet fuel versus diesel   that produce, store, transport and consume   certificate, enabling the owner to retire and
       produced.                           blue hydrogen. The hub will be connected   claim the digital asset to meet ESG goals.
       EXXONMOBIL CATALYSTS AND LICENSING,   by pipeline to other hydrogen hubs being   The transaction is the result of extensive
       September 01, 2021                  developed throughout North America;  collaboration between Énergir, Xpansiv,
                                              A strategic partnership agreement with   Equitable Origin, Pacific Canbriam Energy,
       Mitsubishi Power retains            Texas Brine that provides salt dome rights that   and Macquarie. These companies share a
                                           position Mitsubishi Power to develop green
                                                                                vision to transition toward a lower-carbon
       Citi as strategic financial         or blue hydrogen hubs in New York, Virginia,   economy.
                                                                                  “Customers and stakeholders are seeking
                                           Louisiana and Texas.
       advisor to help expand              MITSUBISHI POWER AMERICAS, August 31,   to participate in the energy transition, and
                                                                                through this initiative we’re pleased to offer
       hydrogen infrastructure             Global energy and                    natural gas sourced with greater transparency,
                                                                                aligned with current ESG thinking,” said
       across North America                                                     Vincent Regnault, Énergir Director of Gas
                                                                                Supply and development of Renewable Gases.
       Mitsubishi Power Americas has retained   commodities consortium          “This milestone transaction marks significant
       Citigroup Global Markets as its Strategic   completes landmark           progress toward reaching our target of
       Financial Advisor (SFA) to explore growth                                contracting 100% of our system gas supply
       financing options to expand hydrogen   responsibly sourced gas           through our Initiative for the Responsible
       infrastructure across North America. During                              Procurement of Natural Gas by 2030.”
       recent years, Mitsubishi Power has emerged as   agreement                MACQUARIE ENERGY CANADA, August 31,
       the hydrogen infrastructure leader in North                              2021
       America, working with partners to develop   A consortium of leading energy and

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