Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 35 2021
P. 9

NorthAmOil                              ENERGY TRANSITION                                        NorthAmOil

       Chevron, Bunge propose

       renewable fuel joint venture

        US               SUBSIDIARIES of super-major Chevron and  increasingly explores various low-carbon ven-
                         food production company Bunge have signed a  tures. The super-major has entered into a series
                         memorandum of understanding (MoU) propos-  of partnerships in recent months to advance
                         ing a 50:50 joint venture to develop renewable  renewable and low-carbon projects. This
                         fuels.                               includes the company’s first ever investment into
                           If the joint venture is finalised, the two com-  an offshore wind project in April.
                         panies will establish a supply chain “from farmer   Chevron USA, which is also the unit involved
                         to fuelling station”, with Bunge expected to con-  in the Bunge MoU, announced that it was
                         tribute soybean processing facilities in Louisiana  expanding its joint venture with Birghtmark for
                         and Illinois to the partnership. Chevron, for its  the second time.
                         part, would furnish roughly $600mn in cash to   The joint venture, Brightmark RNG Hold-
                         the joint venture.                   ings, will be expanded to own projects across the
                           Through the joint venture, the two compa-  US that produce and market dairy biomethane, a   The super-major
                         nies anticipate roughly doubling the combined  renewable natural gas (RNG). The joint venture’s
                         capacity of the Bunge facilities from 7,000 tons  subsidiaries currently own RNG projects in New   has entered
                         (6,350 tonnes) per day by the end of 2024. The  York, Michigan, Florida, South Dakota and Ari-
                         joint venture would also pursue new growth  zona. Both partners will contribute additional   into a series of
                         opportunities in lower-carbon intensity feed-  equity investments to the joint venture to fund
                         stocks, the companies said, and would consider  construction of infrastructure and commercial  partnerships in
                         feedstock pre-treatment investments.  operation of 10 dairy biomethane projects, they   recent months
                           Under the proposed joint venture arrange-  said. This will include new sites in Iowa and
                         ment, Bunge would continue to operate its  Wisconsin and additional sites in Michigan and   to advance
                         facilities. The companies said Bunge would lev-  South Dakota.
                         erage its expertise in oilseed processing – it is the   These moves are being announced as pres-  renewable and
                         world’s largest player in this area – and farmer  sure is growing on the super-major to do more
                         relationships to manage origination and market-  to decarbonise. In May, Chevron’s investors   low-carbon
                         ing of meal and plant-based oil.     backed a proposal that would require the com-  projects.
                           Chevron would have offtake rights to the  pany to take steps to reduce its Scope 3 emis-
                         oil to use as renewable feedstock to manufac-  sions – those generated by end-users of its
                         ture diesel and jet fuel with lower lifecycle car-  products. Though the proposal did not require
                         bon intensity. Additionally, the super-major  Chevron to set a target for how much to cut
                         is expected to provide market knowledge and  these emissions or by what date, the support
                         downstream retail and commercial distribution  for the measure illustrated investor sentiments
                         channels for the partnership’s output.  when it comes to the energy transition and how
                           The announcement comes as Chevron  companies are responding to it.™

       Week 35   02•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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