Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 35 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       Monaco, President & Chief Executive Officer   will be critical in managing EPIC’s financial   ENERGY TRANSITION
       of Enbridge.                        planning and reporting, budgeting and risk
       ENBRIDGE, September 01, 2021        management to better position us for future   ExxonMobil Introduces
                                           growth strategies around our best in class
       Tellurian withdraws                 long haul assets for transporting crude oil and   EMRD™, a renewable diesel
                                           natural gas liquids out of the Permian and
       senior note offering and            Eagle Ford Basins to the premier Texas Gulf   process technology to
                                           Coast and global market destinations.”
       announces exercise of               all aspects of corporate strategy, business   enable high yields from bio-
                                              Mr. Garberding’s career has spanned across
       common stock over-                  development and finance and accounting in   feedstocks
                                           various energy companies. Prior to joining
       allotment option                    EPIC, Mr. Garberding’s served as the Co-  ExxonMobil Catalysts and Licensing has
                                                                                introduced ExxonMobil Renewable Diesel
                                           Founder and Co-CEO of AABA Energy, a
       Tellurian announced today that it will not   midstream start-up, and President and Chief   process technology (EMRD) to help meet
       proceed with its underwritten public offering   Executive Officer of Enlink Midstream. Prior   the evolving needs for mobility, while
       of $50mn aggregate principal amount of   to his role as Enlink’s CEO, Mr. Garberding   utilising renewable feedstock. This new
       8.25% senior notes due 2028 which was   served as Enlink’s Executive Vice President   process technology converts feedstocks
       successfully priced last Thursday night,   and Chief Financial Officer. He held several   including, but not limited to, vegetable oils,
       August 26, 2021. Nasdaq informed Tellurian   positions with Enlink’s predecessor, Crosstex   unconverted cooking oil and animal fats, into
       on Friday that it would not list the bonds due   Energy, including Senior Vice President of   renewable diesel; Meets advanced cold-flow
       to a procedural interpretation.     Business Development and Finance. Prior   specifications, while enabling high yields
         Tellurian executive chairman Charif Souki   to joining Crosstex in 2008, Mr. Garberding   through use of the BIDW™ dewaxing catalyst
       said: “Clearly the massive retail investment   was Assistant Treasurer at TXU Corp. Mr.   technology; Offers superior performance
       market has been disruptive to the old rules   Garberding also worked as a finance manager   through a two-stage process versus a one-
       guiding institutional investing, first in   for Enron North America and began his   stage process.
       equities and now in bonds. Of course, we   career with Arthur Andersen as an auditor.  The EMRD process is a two-stage process
       are disappointed with Nasdaq’s decision   Mr. Garberding graduated from Texas   in which hydrotreating and dewaxing
       and wish it would have advised us earlier in   A&M University with a Bachelor of Business   are controlled separately. Compared to a
       the process. The good news is that Tellurian   Administration in accounting and holds a   single-stage process, this approach provides
       has plenty of liquidity, we achieved a BBB+   Master of Business Administration from the   higher diesel yields and superior control.
       investment grade rating, and we established a   University of Michigan.  Additionally, the EMRD process provides the
       viable market for our debt securities. Tellurian   EPIC MIDSTREAM HOLDINGS, September 02,   potential to produce jet fuel as a secondary
       appreciates the continued support from   2021                            product with added fractionation.
       its sophisticated and well-informed retail                                 The EMRD process is an integrated
       investors, and we hope to have another debt                              solution that leverages ExxonMobil’s Bio-
       offering in the future.”
         Tellurian also announced that the
       underwriters of its recent public offering
       of its common stock exercised their option
       to purchase an additional 5,250,000 shares,
       bringing the total shares purchased to
       40,250,000. The total additional gross
       proceeds (before underwriters’ compensation
       and estimated expenses) from the exercise of
       the option are approximately $15.75mn.
       TELLURIAN, August 31, 2021
       EPIC Midstream Holdings

       announces new executive

       EPIC Midstream Holdings today announced
       Michael Garberding has joined EPIC as
       the Chief Financial Officer effective August
       31, 2021. He will report to Brian Freed, the
       company’s Chief Executive Officer.
         “I am excited to welcome Mike to the
       leadership team of EPIC,” said Mr. Freed.
       “He brings immense strategic, financial and
       industry experience to our company. Mike

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   02•September•2021
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